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Java - Function does not return what I expected

Here's the code:

import java.util.*;

public class HelloWorld

public static void main(String[] args)
    String string1 = "randomString1";                       

public static int f(String string)
    try { 
        String string2 = "randomString2";

        if(string.equals(string2) == true);
            return 0;
    catch(Exception e){

    return 1;

}//end of class

Now, the output of this program is


But I expected it to be:


Because what I wanted the f function to do was to return 0 if the strings were the same and 1 if they weren't.

So, there's definitely something I know wrong here, and I'm guessing it has something to do with the equals method.

like image 496
George Cernat Avatar asked Jan 05 '23 04:01

George Cernat

2 Answers

this is the problem:

if(string.equals(string2) == true);

you'll need remove the semi-colon else, it is pretty much an expression on its own doing nothing:

if(string.equals(string2) == true) return 0;
like image 140
Ousmane D. Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 19:01

Ousmane D.

if(string.equals(string2) == true); you have a semicolon there which does not belong. Honestly you don't even need the == true part as well.

like image 41
Idos Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 17:01
