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Java ExecutorService heap space problems

I hava a Java mulithreading question. I have the following worker class:

public class ThreadWorker implements Runnable {

    //some code in here

    public void run(){
      // invokes some recursion method in the ThreadWorker itself,
      // which will stop eventually

To work with threads I'm using an ExecutorService:

public static int THREAD_NUMBER = 4;
public static ExecutorServide es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(THREAD_NUMBER);

Adding instances of ThreadWroker class happens here:

public void recursiveMethod(Arraylist<Integers> elements, MyClass data){
     if (elements.size() == 0 && data.qualifies()){
         ThreadWorker tw = new ThreadWorker(data);

     for (int i=0; i< elements.size(); i++){
          // some code to prevent my problem
          MyClass data1 = new MyClass(data);
          MyClass data2 = new MyClass(data); 
          ArrayList<Integer> newElements = (ArrayList<Integer>)elements.clone();
          data2.update(-1 * elements.get(i));
          recursiveMethod(newElements, data1);
          recursiveMethod(newElements, data2);     

The problem is that the depth of the recursion tree is quite big, so as it's width, so a lot of ThreadWorkers are added to the ExecutorService, so after some time on the big input a get

Exception in thread "pool-1-thread-2" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

which is caused, as I think because of a ginormous number of ThreadWorkers i'm adding to ExecutorSirvice to be executed, so it runs out of memory. Every ThreadWorker takes about 40 Mb of RAM for all it needs.

Is there a method to get how many threads (instances of classes implementing runnable interface) have been added to ExecutorService? So I can add it in the shown above code (int the " // some code to prevent my problem"), as

while ("number of threads in the ExecutorService" > 10){

so I won't go to deep or to broad with my recursion and prevent those exception-throwing situations.

Sincerely, Sergey Aganezov jr.

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Sergey Aganezov jr Avatar asked Apr 08 '12 05:04

Sergey Aganezov jr

People also ask

How do I reduce Java heap space?

You cannot reduce the heap size beyond a point; the heap should be large enough for all objects that are live at the same time. Preferably, the heap must be at least twice the size of the total amount of live objects, or large enough so that the JVM spends less time garbage collecting the heap than running Java code.

How do I stop being an ExecutorService?

Two different methods are provided for shutting down an ExecutorService. The shutdown() method will allow previously submitted tasks to execute before terminating, while the shutdownNow() method prevents waiting tasks from starting and attempts to stop currently executing tasks.

Can I reuse ExecutorService after shutdown?

After calling shutdown on a ExecutorService, no new Task will be accepted. This means you have to create a new ExecutorService for each round of tasks.

1 Answers

How about creating a ThreadPoolExecutor backed by a BlockingQueue using ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy.

This way, when there are no worker threads available to run a task on, the main thread (which is adding the new jobs) runs the task itself, which prevents any more jobs from being added.

There are more details on the constructor options for ThreadPoolExecutor on its Javadoc page.

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ulmangt Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 10:11
