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Java-esque OOP in JavaScript and a jQuery fail

I'm working on a project and I'm really trying to write object-oriented JavaScript code. I have just started reading Douglas Crockford's JavaScript: The Good Parts and I'm quickly beginning to realize that writing Java-esque OOP in JavaScript will be a difficult task.

Thus far, I've written something like the following...

// index.html
$(document).ready(function() {


// this is in a different js file
$.fn.SetUpElements = function() {

    // do stuff here

// this is in yet another different js file
$.fn.UpdateElement = function() {

   // do stuff here
   var element = new Element(id, name); // continue doing work

function Element(id, name) {

   var id = id;
   var name = name;

   // other stuff

... the idea being that I want objects/functions to be refactored and decoupled as much as possible; I want to reuse as much code as I can. I've spread a lot of my code across different .js files with the intention of grouping specific relevant code together, much like if you would write different classes in Java.

As I've been learning more about jQuery, I realized that the notation $.fn.foo = function() { ... }; is actually adding this foo function to the prototype of all jQuery objects. Is this something I should be doing? Am I misusing jQuery somehow?

I would appreciate suggestions on how to improve my approach to OOP in JavaScript and I would love to see references to sources/tutorials/articles/etc... that discuss this topic. Please feel free to provide feedback even if an answer has been selected. I am looking for your advice... this is why I posted :)

** Note: I'm not developing a jQuery plugin. I'm developing a web app and heavily making use of jQuery.

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Hristo Avatar asked Mar 29 '11 19:03


People also ask

Can you do OOP with JavaScript?

JavaScript is not a class-based object-oriented language. But it still has ways of using object oriented programming (OOP).

Is JavaScript object oriented or functional?

Thanks to new developments in ES6, we can say that JavaScript is both a functional as well as object-oriented programming language because of the various first-class features it provides.

Can you use Java and JavaScript together?

JavaScript also includes functions to control Java applets, and Java applets can access JavaScript functions. By integrating these two Web languages, you can have the best of both worlds, allowing for many complicated applications.

3 Answers

If it's not a jquery plugin, I would write something like this:

    var app = {
      init: function(){
      SetUpElements: function() {
        return 'something';
      etc: function() {

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Egor Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 14:10


In reference to doing OO in Javascript you should watch Douglas Crockford's Advanced Javascript lessons

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Matt Wonlaw Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 14:10

Matt Wonlaw

I would say the first way you're creating methods is a misuse of jQuery. The jQuery.fn.foo syntax is generally reserved for functions that act upon a DOM element but you're using them as static functions, by using an empty jQuery object.

If you want to create static functions under the jQuery namespace, you can do:

jQuery.foo = function(){};

then call it via:


instead of:

jQuery.fn.foo = function(){};

which allows you to do:


In terms of OOP. there are many different approaches (module pattern, prototype, factory...). The way I generally approach it, is create a Class as a static function, then invoking it with the keyword new

    var undefined;

    $.ClassName = function(options){
        var self = this;
        var cfg = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, options);

        // ********************
        // start:private
        // ********************
        function _init(){


        // ********************
        // start:public
        // ********************
        this.methodName = function(){



    $.ClassName.prototype.defaults = {};

In terms of reusing functionality, there's a threshold after which decoupling is more detrimental than anything. Make sure you keep the right balance of modularity and organization.

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Alex Heyd Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 14:10

Alex Heyd