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Java Digital Signature different to C#

I have the following c# code to generate a digital signature from a private key:

    static string Sign(string text, string certificate)

        X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(certificate, "TestPassword", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
        RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)cert.PrivateKey;
        // Hash the data
        SHA1Managed sha1 = new SHA1Managed();
        ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
        byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(text);
        byte[] hash = sha1.ComputeHash(data);
        // Sign the hash
        return System.Convert.ToBase64String(rsa.SignHash(hash, CryptoConfig.MapNameToOID("SHA1")));            

I then created what I thought was the equivalent java code:

public static String signData(String dataToSign, String keyFile) { 
  FileInputStream keyfis = null;
  try {
    keyfis = new FileInputStream(fileName);
    KeyStore store = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
    store.load(keyfis, "TestPassword".toCharArray());
    KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry pvk = (KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry)store.
          new KeyStore.PasswordProtection("TestPassword".toCharArray()));
    PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey)pvk.getPrivateKey();
    byte[] data = dataToSign.getBytes("US-ASCII");
    MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
    byte[] hashed = md.digest(data);
    Signature rsa = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA");
    return Base64.encode(rsa.sign());
  } catch (Exception ex) {
    Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
  } finally {
    if ( keyfis != null ) {
      try { keyfis.close() } catch (Exception ex) { keyfis = null; }
  return null;

Unfortunately the digital signatures do not match.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: If I remove the MessageDigest from the java code then the output is the same. Why? I thought hashing is needed.

Regards, Eugene

like image 525
Eugene Avatar asked Oct 04 '22 17:10


1 Answers

The Java sign method does hashing and signing based on the algorithms provided in getInstance method of the Signature class, so basically you were hashing twice in Java.

like image 143
Mostafa Hashem Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10

Mostafa Hashem