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Java DatagramPacket (UDP) maximum send/recv buffer size


In Java when using DatagramPacket suppose you have a byte[1024*1024] buffer. If you just pass that for the DatagramPacket when sending/receiving will a Java receive call for the DatagramPacket block until it has read the entire megabyte?

I'm asking if Java will split it up or just try to send the entire thing which gets dropped.

Normally the size limit is around 64KB for a UDP packet, but I wondered since Java's API allow for byte arrays if that is a limit and something super huge is dropped or split up and reassembled for you.

If it is dropped what API call would tell me the maximum data payload I can use in the Java call? I've heard that IPv6 also has jumbo frames, but does DatagramPacket (or DatagramSocket) support that since UDP defines the header spec?

like image 797
rbeede Avatar asked Feb 08 '12 23:02


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The default send buffer size for UDP sockets is 65535 bytes. The default receive buffer size for UDP sockets is 2147483647 bytes.

What is the maximum size of a datagram packet?

The field size sets a theoretical limit of 65,535 bytes (8-byte header + 65,527 bytes of data) for a UDP datagram. However the actual limit for the data length, which is imposed by the underlying IPv4 protocol, is 65,507 bytes (65,535 bytes − 8-byte UDP header − 20-byte IP header).

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This class represents a socket for sending and receiving datagram packets. A datagram socket is the sending or receiving point for a packet delivery service. Each packet sent or received on a datagram socket is individually addressed and routed.

How what is the method for creation of the UDP datagram socket?

Creation of DatagramPacket: In this step, the packet for sending/receiving data via a datagramSocket is created. Syntax: public DatagramPacket(byte[] buf, int offset, int length, SocketAddress address) Parameters: buf - the packet data. offset - the packet data offset. length - the packet data length.

1 Answers

DatagramPacket is just a wrapper on a UDP based socket, so the usual UDP rules apply.

64 kilobytes is the theoretical maximum size of a complete IP datagram, but only 576 bytes are guaranteed to be routed. On any given network path, the link with the smallest Maximum Transmit Unit will determine the actual limit. (1500 bytes, less headers is the common maximum, but it is impossible to predict how many headers there will be so its safest to limit messages to around 1400 bytes.)

If you go over the MTU limit, IPv4 will automatically break the datagram up into fragments and reassemble them at the end, but only up to 64 kilobytes and only if all fragments make it through. If any fragment is lost, or if any device decides it doesn't like fragments, then the entire packet is lost.

As noted above, it is impossible to know in advance what the MTU of path will be. There are various algorithms for experimenting to find out, but many devices do not properly implement (or deliberately ignore) the necessary standards so it all comes down to trial and error. Or you can just guess 1400 bytes per message.

As for errors, if you try to send more bytes than the OS is configured to allow, you should get an EMSGSIZE error or its equivalent. If you send less than that but more than the network allows, the packet will just disappear.

like image 101
Seth Noble Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 16:11

Seth Noble