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Java compiler rejects variable declaration with parameterized inner class

I have some Groovy code which works fine in the Groovy bytecode compiler, but the Java stub generated by it causes an error in the Java compiler. I think this is probably yet another bug in the Groovy stub generator, but I really can't figure out why the Java compiler doesn't like the generated code.

Here's a truncated version of the generated Java class (please excuse the ugly formatting):

@groovy.util.logging.Log4j() public abstract class AbstractProcessingQueue
<T>  extends nz.ac.auckland.digitizer.AbstractAgent  implements
    groovy.lang.GroovyObject {
        protected int retryFrequency;
        protected java.util.Queue<nz.ac.auckland.digitizer.AbstractProcessingQueue.ProcessingQueueMember<T>> items;
        public AbstractProcessingQueue
        (int processFrequency, int timeout, int retryFrequency) {
             super ((int)0, (int)0);

    private enum ProcessState
    groovy.lang.GroovyObject {

    private class ProcessingQueueMember<E>  extends java.lang.Object  implements
    groovy.lang.GroovyObject {
        public ProcessingQueueMember
        (E object) {}

The offending line in the generated code is this:

protected java.util.Queue<nz.ac.auckland.digitizer.AbstractProcessingQueue.ProcessingQueueMember<T>> items;

which produces the following compile error:

[ERROR] C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\digitizer\target\generated-sources\groovy-stubs\main\nz\ac\auckland\digitizer\AbstractProcessingQueue.java:[14,96] error: improperly formed type, type arguments given on a raw type

The column index of 96 in the compile error points to the <T> parameterization of the ProcessingQueueMember type. But ProcessingQueueMember is not a raw type as the compiler claims, it is a generic type:

private class ProcessingQueueMember
<E>  extends java.lang.Object  implements
groovy.lang.GroovyObject { ...

I am very confused as to why the compiler thinks that the type Queue<ProcessingQueueMember<T>> is invalid. The Groovy source compiles fine, and the generated Java code looks perfectly correct to me too. What am I missing here? Is it something to do with the fact that the type in question is a nested class?

(in case anyone is interested, I have filed this bug report relating to the issue in this question)

Edit: Turns out this was indeed a stub compiler bug- this issue is now fixed in 1.8.9, 2.0.4 and 2.1, so if you're still having this issue just upgrade to one of those versions. :)

like image 781
Johansensen Avatar asked Feb 20 '23 08:02


1 Answers

Since the ProcessingQueueMember class is a non-static inner class of AbstractProcessingQueue, its body can refer to the T type parameter of AbstractProcessingQueue. Thus, a non-raw reference to the ProcessingQueueMember must supply both the type arguments. For example,

protected java.util.Queue<AbstractProcessingQueue<T>.ProcessingQueueMember<T>> items;

will compile. This code is probably excessively generic. I believe you actually want one of these two alternatives:

  1. Make ProcessingQueueMember<E> static (i.e. a nested class as opposed to an inner class)
  2. Remove the type parameter from ProcessingQueueMember

I do not know anything about the groovy stub generator, but maybe there is some way to annotate your groovy code to express this?

like image 200
Geoff Reedy Avatar answered Mar 01 '23 17:03

Geoff Reedy