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Java arrays - Why is the output '1' ?


Why is the output in this example 1?

public static void main(String[] args){  int[] a = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };     int[] b = { 2, 3, 1, 0 };     System.out.println( a [ (a = b)[3] ] );    } 

I thought it would be 2. i.e., the expression is evaluated as:

a[(a=b)[3]] a[b[3]]    //because a is now pointing to b a[0]    

Shouldn't a[0] be 2 because a is pointing to b?

Thanks in advance.

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ziggy Avatar asked Dec 04 '11 11:12


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1 Answers

The arguments to each operator are evaluated left-to-right. I.e., the a in front of the [...] is evaluated before its contents, at which point it still refers to the first array.

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Marcelo Cantos Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10

Marcelo Cantos