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Java API to use for queries based on maxTimeuuid and minTimeuuid

What is the Java API for using maxTimeuuid and minTimeuuid based queries? I could not find any in the QueryBuilder or anywhere else. I am using DataStax client


Table "a" has 2 columns: 1. id of type String 2. LMD of type TimeUuid

This is what I am doing and does not seem right and of course does not work

    Query q = QueryBuilder
    .where().and(QueryBuilder.gt("LMD", "minTimeUUid('2013-11-03 14:33:50')"))
    .and(QueryBuilder.lt("LMD", "maxTimeUUId('2013-11-03 14:45:50')"));

Any pointers are highly appreciated


like image 786
Masti Avatar asked Dec 19 '22 21:12


1 Answers

You will need to generate the max/min TimeUUIDs programatically, from timestamps using the utils.UUIDs utility class, e.g.

final UUID min = UUIDs.startOf(lowerTimeStamp);
final UUID max = UUIDs.endOf(upperTimeStamp);
Query q = QueryBuilder
  .where(QueryBuilder.gt("LMD", min))
  .and(QueryBuilder.lt("LMD", max));
like image 111
lorcan Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 12:12
