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Java 8 stream to collect a Map of List of items

I have a List of Maps which stores the roles and the names of people. For ex:

List<Map<String, String>> listOfData

1) Role:  Batsman
   Name:  Player1

2)Role:  Batsman
   Name:  Player2

3)Role:  Bowler
   Name:  Player3

Role and Name are the Keys of the map. I want to convert this into a Map<String, List<String>> result, which will give me a list of names for each role, i.e

k1: Batsman  v1: [Player1, Player2]
k2: Bowler   v2: [Player3]

    .map(entry -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(entry.get("Role"), entry.get("Name"))

Doing this way will not give me a list of names for the role, it will give me a single name. How do i keep collecting the elements of the list and then add it to a key ?

Java code to create base structure:

Map<String, String> x1 = ImmutableMap.of("Role", "Batsman", "Name", "Player1");

        Map<String, String> y1 = ImmutableMap.of("Role", "Batsman", "Name", "Player2");

        Map<String, String> z1 = ImmutableMap.of("Role", "Bowler", "Name", "Player3");

        List<Map<String, String>> list = ImmutableList.of(x1, y1, z1);
        Map<String, List<String>> z = list.stream()
                    .flatMap(e -> e.entrySet().stream())
                            Collectors.mapping(Map.Entry::getValue, Collectors.toList())));
like image 268
user1692342 Avatar asked Apr 17 '18 21:04


People also ask

How will you convert a list into map using streams in Java 8?

With Java 8, you can convert a List to Map in one line using the stream() and Collectors. toMap() utility methods. The Collectors. toMap() method collects a stream as a Map and uses its arguments to decide what key/value to use.

How do I collect a Stream map?

Method 1: Using Collectors.toMap() Function The Collectors. toMap() method takes two parameters as the input: KeyMapper: This function is used for extracting keys of the Map from stream value. ValueMapper: This function used for extracting the values of the map for the given key.

How do you convert a list of objects into a Stream of objects?

Converting a list to stream is very simple. As List extends the Collection interface, we can use the Collection. stream() method that returns a sequential stream of elements in the list.

2 Answers

          .flatMap(e -> e.entrySet().stream())


Slightly different variant to user1692342's answer for completeness.

    .map(e -> Arrays.asList(e.get("Role"), e.get("Name")))
    .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(e -> e.get(0),
             Collectors.mapping(e -> e.get(1), Collectors.toList())));
like image 125
Ousmane D. Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Ousmane D.

Based on the idea given by Aomine:

    .map(e -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(e.get("Role"), e.get("Name")))
                    Collectors.mapping(Map.Entry::getValue, Collectors.toList())));
like image 40
user1692342 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
