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Java 8 Optional cannot be applied to interface

Using Optional, I want to return a certain implementation (First or Second) of an interface according to the mapping result. This is the interface that First and Second implement:

public interface MyInterface {
    Number number();

The following Optional usage is erroneous:

final String string = ...                          // might be null
final Number number = Optional.ofNullable(string)
        .map(string -> new First())
        .orElse(new Second())                      // erroneous line

orElse (com.mycompany.First) in Optional cannot be applied to (com.mycompany.Second)

Why is the line erroneous since both of the classes First and Second implement the interface MyInterface and the method MyInterface::number returns Number? How to implement this correctly?

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Nikolas Charalambidis Avatar asked Jan 17 '19 14:01

Nikolas Charalambidis

1 Answers

I have discovered out that the method Optional::map returns U which doesn't allow apply returned First to another type such Second is. An explicit casting to its interface or requiring it within the map method is a way to go:

final Number number = Optional.ofNullable("")
        .<MyInterface>map(string -> new First())
        .orElse(new Second())


Edit: I have found this out after posting the question. However, I am keeping both since I haven't found a similar solution anywhere else yet.

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Nikolas Charalambidis Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09

Nikolas Charalambidis