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Java 8 map filter and sort

I want to migrate this example to Java 8:

Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>() {{
    put("name", "Middle");
    put("prefix", "Front");
    put("postfix", "Back");

    String title = "";
    if (data.containsKey("prefix")) {
    title += data.get("prefix");

if (data.containsKey("name")) {
    title += data.get("name");

if (data.containsKey("postfix")) {
    title += data.get("postfix");

Correct output:


I tried with entryset -> stream but it doesn't return in correct order.

String titles = macroParams.entrySet().stream()
        .filter(map -> "name".equals(map.getKey()) || "postfix".equals(map.getKey()) || "prefix".equals(map.getKey()))



Can I get the same result using Java 8?

like image 836
Caal Saal VI Avatar asked Aug 30 '17 02:08

Caal Saal VI

2 Answers

Streams are a little overkill here, IMO. But you can still use Java 8 to your advantage, with Map.getOrDefault():

String title = data.getOrDefault("prefix", "")
        + data.getOrDefault("name", "")
        + data.getOrDefault("postfix", "");
like image 144
shmosel Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 15:10


You can stream over the desired keys and join values that are present:

String title = Stream.of("prefix", "name", "postfix")
like image 21
Misha Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 17:10
