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Java 8 lambda comparator with null value check [duplicate]




I've implemented a sorting on a collection using a lambda expression for the comparison. I have to check for null values, so I came up with this solution for the comparator

    (a.getStartDate() == null) 
        ? ( (b.getStartDate() == null) ? 0 : -1)
        : ( (b.getStartDate() == null)?1:a.getStartDate().compareTo(b.getStartDate()) )

I've already checked some questions, like this, but they all refer to pre-lambda code.

Do java lambda expressions give me the chance to avoid the two 'if' statements? Can I perform the task in a cleaner way?

like image 215
Gabber Avatar asked Oct 06 '16 08:10


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How do you use lambda Comparator?

In this example, we will show you how to use Java 8 Lambda expression to write a Comparator to sort a List. 1. Classic Comparator example. Comparator<Developer> byName = new Comparator<Developer>() { @Override public int compare(Developer o1, Developer o2) { return o1.

1 Answers

There are default implementations within Comparator you can use: nullsFirst or nullsLast:

like image 57
flo Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10
