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Java 8 - Convert LocalDate to ZonedDateTime


I'm new to java.time package. I have a LocalDate 2015-12-10. I need to convert this to ZonedDateTime. Time should be 00:00:00 and Zone is ZoneOffset.UTC.

After conversion, ZonedDateTime should be 2015-12-10T00:00:00+02:00.

I'm storing the LocalDate in a variable called startDate.

I tried:

ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.from(startDate), ZoneOffset.UTC) 

but get the error

java.time.DateTimeException: Unable to obtain Instant from TemporalAccessor: 2015-12-10 of type java.time.LocalDate]

I also tried:


This gives unexpected results.

I looked at the API and tried a few other methods, but no luck so far.

Is there any other way to convert LocalDate to ZonedDateTime?

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SelfTaught Avatar asked Aug 14 '15 03:08


People also ask

How do I parse LocalDateTime to ZonedDateTime?

Convert LocalDateTime to ZonedDateTime The LocalDateTime has no time zone; to convert the LocalDateTime to ZonedDateTime , we can use . atZone(ZoneId. systemDefault()) to create a ZonedDateTime containing the system default time zone and convert it to another time zone using a predefined zone id or offset.

How do I convert LocalDateTime to another timezone?

To convert a LocalDateTime to another time zone, you first apply the original time zone using atZone() , which returns a ZonedDateTime , then convert to the new time zone using withZoneSameInstant() , and finally convert the result back to a LocalDateTime . If you skip the last step, you'd keep the zone.

How do I convert UTC to ZonedDateTime?

Step 1: use the Date. toInstant() method to convert the Date object to an Instant object. Step 2: use the Instant. atZone(ZoneId zone) method to convert the Instant object of step 1 to a ZonedDateTime object in UTC time zone.

What is the difference between LocalDateTime and ZonedDateTime?

LocalDateTime – same as LocalDate, but includes time with nanosecond precision. OffsetDateTime – same as LocalDateTime, but with time zone offset. LocalTime – time with nanosecond precision and without date information. ZonedDateTime – same as OffsetDateTime, but includes a time zone ID.

2 Answers

When converting less specific objects to more specific ones, use the 'at' methods:

ZonedDateTime zdt = startDate.atStartOfDay(ZoneOffset.UTC); 

Passing in the UTC offset will not get a result of +02:00 however, which suggests you are trying to achieve something else.

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JodaStephen Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09


I supose the issue isn't relevant anymore but for google-purposes:

  LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.parse("2017-07-22");         ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime = localDate.atStartOfDay(ZoneId.systemDefault());   // => 2017-07-22T00:00+05:30[Asia/Kolkata] 

source https://beginnersbook.com/2017/10/java-convert-localdate-to-zoneddatetime/

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Luc S. Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09

Luc S.