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Java 8 autoboxing + generics: different behaviour with variable vs. method

I found a piece of code that after switching from Java 7 to Java 8 stopped compiling. It does not feature any of the new Java 8 stuff like lambda or streams.

I narrowed the problematic code down to the following situation:

GenericData<Double> g = new GenericData<>(1d);
Double d = g == null ? 0 : g.getData(); // type error!!!

You can probably guess that GenericData's constructor has one parameter of that generic type and the getData() method returns just that generic type. (For the complete source code see below.)

Now what bothers me is that in Java 7 that code compiled just fine whereas with Java 8 I get the following error:

CompileMe.java:20: error: incompatible types: bad type in conditional expression
Double d = g == null ? 0 : g.getData();
int cannot be converted to Double

It seems that Java 7 was able to do the transition from int -> double -> Double, but Java 8 fails with trying to immediately go from int -> Double.

What I find funny in particular is that Java 8 does accept the code when I change it from getData() to data, i.e. access the GenericData's value via the variable itself instead of the getter-method:

Double d2 = g == null ? 0 : g.data; // now why does this work...

So the two questions I have here are:

  1. Why doesn't Java 8 infer the types like Java 7 and cast my int to double before autoboxing double to Double?
  2. Why does that problem only occur with the generic method but not the generic variable?

Complete source code:

public class CompileMe {
    public void foo() {
        GenericData<Double> g = new GenericData(1d);
        Double d = g == null ? 0 : g.getData(); // type error!!!
        Double d2 = g == null ? 0 : g.data; // now why does this work...

class GenericData<T> {
    public T data;
    public GenericData(T data) {
        this.data = data;
    public T getData() {
        return data;

To test it run the compiler as follows:

javac -source 1.7 -target 1.7 CompileMe.java   # ok (just warnings)
javac -source 1.8 -target 1.8 CompileMe.java   # error (as described above)

Finally in case it matters: I run Windows 8 and Java 1.8.0_112 (64-bit).

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Quota Avatar asked Jan 11 '17 11:01


2 Answers

Method invocation expressions are special in that they may be Poly Expressions, subject to target typing.

Consider the following examples:

static Double aDouble() {
    return 0D;
Double d = g == null ? 0 : aDouble();

this compiles without any problems

static <T> T any() {
    return null;
Double d = g == null ? 0 : any();

here, the invocation of any() is a Poly Expression and the compiler has to infer T := Double. This reproduces the same error.

This is the first inconsistency. While your method getData() refers to the type parameter T of GenericData, it is not a generic method (there is/should be no type inference involved to determine that T is Double here.

JLS §8.4.4. Generic Methods

A method is generic if it declares one or more type variables

getData() doesn’t declare type variables, it only uses one.

JLS §15.12. Method Invocation Expressions:

A method invocation expression is a poly expression if all of the following are true:

  • The method to be invoked, as determined by the following subsections, is generic (§8.4.4) and has a return type that mentions at least one of the method's type parameters.

Since this method invocation is not a poly expression, it should behave like the example with the aDouble() invocation, rather than the any().

But note §15.25.3:

Note that a reference conditional expression does not have to contain a poly expression as an operand in order to be a poly expression. It is a poly expression simply by virtue of the context in which it appears. For example, in the following code, the conditional expression is a poly expression, and each operand is considered to be in an assignment context targeting Class<? super Integer>:

Class<? super Integer> choose(boolean b,
                              Class<Integer> c1,
                              Class<Number> c2) {
    return b ? c1 : c2;

So, is it a reference conditional or a numeric conditional expression?

§15.25. Conditional Operator ? : says:

There are three kinds of conditional expressions, classified according to the second and third operand expressions: boolean conditional expressions, numeric conditional expressions, and reference conditional expressions. The classification rules are as follows:

  • If both the second and the third operand expressions are boolean expressions, the conditional expression is a boolean conditional expression.
  • If both the second and the third operand expressions are numeric expressions, the conditional expression is a numeric conditional expression.
    For the purpose of classifying a conditional, the following expressions are numeric expressions:
    • An expression of a standalone form (§15.2) with a type that is convertible to a numeric type (§4.2, §5.1.8).
    • A parenthesized numeric expression (§15.8.5).
    • A class instance creation expression (§15.9) for a class that is convertible to a numeric type.
    • A method invocation expression (§15.12) for which the chosen most specific method (§ has a return type that is convertible to a numeric type.
    • A numeric conditional expression.
  • Otherwise, the conditional expression is a reference conditional expression.

So according to these rules, not precluding generic method invocations, all of the shown conditional expressions are numeric conditional expression and should work, as only “otherwise” they are to be considered to be reference conditional expression. The Eclipse version, I tested, compiled all of them without reporting any error.

This leads to the strange situation that for the any() case we need target typing to find out that it has a numeric return type and deducing that the conditional is a numeric conditional expression, i.e. a stand-alone expression. Note that for boolean conditional expressions, there is the remark:

Note that, for a generic method, this is the type before instantiating the method's type arguments.

but for numeric conditional expression, there’s no such note, whether intentional or not.

But as said, this only applies to the any() example anyway, as the getData() method is not generic.

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Holger Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09


This seems to be a known issue of the Oracle compiler: Bug ID: JDK-8162708


If you have a method in a generic class declared as follow:

class Foo<T> {
  public T getValue() {
    // returns a value ...

and you call the method above inside a ternary operator as follow

Foo<Integer> foo = new Foo<>();
Float f = new Random().nextBoolean() ? foo.getValue() : 0f;

you get a syntax error from the javac 1.8 compiler.

But the code above compiles with no errors and warnings with both javac 1.7 and 1.9.

Resolution: Unresolved

Affected Versions: 8

From the Comments:

This issue is only applicable to 8u, there is no issue in 7 and 9

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Hulk Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09
