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iTunes Sync "MyAppName"Failed to install- IPA File



Recently, I have submitted my app and been accepted. However functionalities that I have built are not same with app version. Then I have contacted app developer and they told me as follows:

"To test that build, "Distribute" it as an IPA, from the Organizer window in
Xcode. Then install the IPA by dragging it onto the iTunes icon on the dock
and syncing with your device."

Now, I created my IPA and drag and drop this file on Itunes and then to my iphone and it shows failing to sync error! I dont know what I am doing wrong? any guidance?

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casillas Avatar asked Dec 11 '12 08:12


1 Answers

Try to install the IPA from Organizer instead of iTunes. To do it open Organizer from: Xcode > Window > Organizer, then select Applications under your device and click the + button to add the IPA.

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Hesham Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11
