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itertools group by multiple keys

I am using itertools to group by a dictionary key using the below:

host_data = []
for k,v in itertools.groupby(temp_data, key=lambda x:x['device_id'])
    d = {}
    for dct in v:

However I would like to group by 'device_id' and 'port_id' if possible, how can I add an additional key to the grouping?

like image 265
AlexW Avatar asked Jun 27 '18 10:06


4 Answers

Just use a tuple as key:

itertools.groupby(temp_data, key=lambda x:(x['device_id'], x['port_id']))
like image 160
Netwave Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 15:11


Make the key a tuple: key=lambda x: (x['device_id'], x['port_id']).

like image 3
Amadan Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 16:11


You can use itemgetter to make a 2-tuple grouping key:

from operator import itemgetter
itertools.groupby(temp_data, key=itemgetter('device_id', 'port_id'))
like image 1
duthils Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 16:11


Just to expand a little bit on the accepted answer:

Once you use a tuple as a grouping key, you can retrieve the tuple values when iterating the grouped data, in case you need it, e.g.:

from itertools import groupby

data = [
    {"device_id": 1, "port_id": 1, "some_value": 1},
    {"device_id": 1, "port_id": 2, "some_value": 2},
    {"device_id": 1, "port_id": 2, "some_value": 3},
    {"device_id": 2, "port_id": 1, "some_value": 1},
    {"device_id": 2, "port_id": 1, "some_value": 2},
    {"device_id": 3, "port_id": 1, "some_value": 1},

grouped_data = groupby(data, key=lambda x: (x["device_id"], x["port_id"]))

for (device_id, port_id), group in grouped_data:
    print(f"device_id, port_id: {device_id}, {port_id}")
    print(f"  -> group: {list(group)}")

which would print:

device_id, port_id: 1, 1
  -> group: [{'device_id': 1, 'port_id': 1, 'some_value': 1}]
device_id, port_id: 1, 2
  -> group: [{'device_id': 1, 'port_id': 2, 'some_value': 2}, {'device_id': 1, 'port_id': 2, 'some_value': 3}]
device_id, port_id: 2, 1
  -> group: [{'device_id': 2, 'port_id': 1, 'some_value': 1}, {'device_id': 2, 'port_id': 1, 'some_value': 2}]
device_id, port_id: 3, 1
  -> group: [{'device_id': 3, 'port_id': 1, 'some_value': 1}]
like image 1
Paul P Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 15:11

Paul P