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Iterm2 case insensitive autocomplete

How can I add case insensitive autocomplete to Iterm2 terminal? I have tried:

set completion-ignore-case on

But this does not seem to be the solution.

like image 571
rebbailey Avatar asked Sep 08 '16 05:09


2 Answers

Set ignore case on in inputrc file. The following command will create the file with the command if not exist already

echo "set completion-ignore-case On" >> ~/.inputrc

Don't forget to restart the terminal after.

like image 137
Waheed Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 04:01


I was entering in the set completion-ignore-case on as a command in the command line. I instead needed to navigate to my root directory, create a file named .inputrc and input the set completion-ignore-case on text in that file.

like image 29
rebbailey Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 05:01
