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iTerm as default terminal for Anaconda

I just installed Anaconda (with GUI) for data science projects. I'm a Mac user and when I launch Jupiter notebook from Anaconda Navigator it runs macOS default terminal. Is there a way to set Anaconda for using iTerm2 as terminal?

like image 592
Lucio Avatar asked Nov 08 '19 19:11


1 Answers

If you open iterm2 and go to the toolbar(on the top of the screen), try iTerm2-make iterm2 default term. See if this changes the behavior.

If not and you prefer using iTerm2, you can always open up an iTerm2 window and simply type

jupyter notebook

And you should have a jupyter notebook open in your browser, with the process running in the iTerm2 window.

like image 184
Max Zhao Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09

Max Zhao