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Iterating without incurring the cost of IF statements



My question is based on curiosity and not whether there is another approach to the problem or not. It is a strange/interesting question, so please read it with an open mind.

Let's assume there is a game loop that is being called every frame. The game loop in turn calls several functions through a myriad of if statements. For example, if the user has GUI to false then don't refresh the GUI otherwise call RefreshGui(). There are many other if statements in the loop and they call their respective functions if they are true. Some are if/if-else.../else which are more costly in the worst case. Even the functions that are called, if the if statement is true, have logic. If user wants raypicking on all objects call FunctionA(), if user wants raypicking on lights, call FunctionB(), ... , else call all functions. Hopefully you get the idea.

My point is, that is a lot of redundant if statements. So I decided to use function pointers instead. Now my assumption is that a function pointer is always going to be faster than an if statement. It is a replacement for if/else. So if the user wants to switch between two different camera modes, he/she presses the C key to toggle between them. The callback function for the keyboard changes the function pointer to the correct UpdateCamera function (in this case, the function pointer can point to either UpdateCameraFps() or UpdateCameraArcBall() )... you get the gist of it.

Now to the question itself. What if I have several update functions all with the same signature (let's say void (*Update)(float time) ), so that a function pointer can potentially point to any one of them. Then, I have a vector which is used to store the pointers. Then in my main update loop, I go through the vector and call each update function. I can remove/add and even change the order of the updates, without changing the underlying code. In the best case, I might only be calling one update function or in the worst case all of them, all with a very clean while loop and no nasty (potentially nested) if statements. I have implemented this part and it works great. I am aware, that, with each iteration of the while loop responsible for iterating through the vector, I am checking whether the itrBegin == itrEnd. More specifically while (itrBegin != itrEnd). Is there any way to avoid the call to the if statements? Can I use branch prediction to my advantage (or am I taking advantage of it already without knowing)?

Again, please take the question as-is, i.e. I am not looking for a different approach (although you are more than welcome to give one).

EDIT: A few replies state that this is an unneeded premature optimization and I should not be focusing on it and that the if-statement(s) cost is minuscule compared to the work done in all the separate update functions. Very true, and I completely agree, but that was not the point of the question and I apologize if I did not make the question clearer. I did learn quite a few new things with all the replies though!

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Samaursa Avatar asked Oct 08 '10 23:10


1 Answers

there is a game loop that is being called every frame

That's a backwards way of describing it. A game loop doesn't run during a frame, a frame is handled in the body of the game loop.

my assumption is that a function pointer is always going to be faster than an if statement

Have you tested that? It's not likely to be true, especially if you're changing the pointer frequently (which really messes with the CPU's branch prediction).

Can I use branch prediction to my advantage (or am I taking advantage of it already without knowing)?

This is just wishful thinking. By having one indirect call inside your loop calling a bunch of different functions you are definitely working against the CPU branch prediction logic.

More specifically while (itrBegin != itrEnd). Is there any way to avoid the call to the if statements?

One thing you could do in order to avoid conditionals as you iterate the chain of functions is to use a linked list. Then each function can call the next one unconditionally, and you simply install your termination logic as the last function in the chain (longjmp or something). Or you could hopefully just never terminate, include glSwapBuffers (or the equivalent for your graphics API) in the list and just link it back to the beginning.

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Ben Voigt Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Ben Voigt