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Iterating through rows of a Pandas series within a function

I'm writing a function part of which should iterate through the rows of a Series. The function should iterate through rows of a DataFrame column passed to it i.e. df['col'], however when I try to use .iterrows I get an error that a Series doesn't have that attribute and using .iteritems produces the error below. Are there any other ways to iterate through rows of a column? I need do be able to access the index and column value.

def get_RIMsin(df, obs, rimcol):
    """dataframe, obs column,rim column"""    
    maxval =df['Mmedian'].max()
    minval =df['Mmedian'].min()
    dfrange = maxval-minval
    amplitude = dfrange/2

    convert = (2*np.pi)/365
    startday = obs.idxmax().dayofyear
    sinmax = 91

    for row in rimcol.iteritems: #This is where I'd like to go through rows of a series
        diff = sinmax - startday
        adjday = row.dayofyear + diff
        adjsin = np.sin(adjday * convert)
        df['RIMsine'] = row + adjsin
    return df

get_RIMsin(sve_DOC, sve_DOC['DOC_mg/L'], sve_DOC['RIMsDOC'])

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-98-4811cbf80e78> in <module>()
     17     return df
---> 19 get_RIMsin(sve_DOC, sve_DOC['DOC_mg/L'], sve_DOC['RIMsDOC'])
     20 """get_RIM2(svv_DOC, svv_DOC['DOC_mg/L'], svv_DOC['RIMsDOC'])
     21 get_RIM2(svw_DOC, svw_DOC['DOC_filt_mg/l'], svw_DOC['RIMsDOC'])

<ipython-input-98-4811cbf80e78> in get_RIMsin(df, obs, rimcol)
     10     sinmax = 91
---> 12     for row in rimcol.iteritems:
     13         diff = sinmax - startday
     14         adjday = row.dayofyear + diff

TypeError: 'instancemethod' object is not iterable
like image 967
Jason Avatar asked Jun 13 '14 14:06


2 Answers



Since iteritems() is a function you must include the parenthesis. Otherwise you get an instance method object instead of an iterator that is returned by that instance method.

like image 101
gradi3nt Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10


None of this actually required row iteration, as Ryan G pointed out in the comments. I think this (untested!) code is equivalent.

convert = (2*np.pi)/365
sinmax = 91

def get_RIMsin(df, obs, rimcol):
    """dataframe, obs column,rim column"""    
    amplitude = df['Mmedian'].ptp()/2

    startday = obs.idxmax().dayofyear

    diff = sinmax - startday
    adjday = rimcol + diff
    adjsin = np.sin(adjday * convert)
    df['RIMsine'] = adjsin
    return df
like image 24
Dan Allan Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 00:10

Dan Allan