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Iterating through array - java




I was wondering if it was better to have a method for this and pass the Array to that method or to write it out every time I want to check if a number is in the array.

For example:

public static boolean inArray(int[] array, int check) {      for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {         if (array[i] == check)              return true;     }      return false; } 

Thanks for the help in advance!

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Eli Avatar asked Jan 23 '13 21:01


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1 Answers

Since atleast Java 1.5.0 (Java 5) the code can be cleaned up a bit. Arrays and anything that implements Iterator (e.g. Collections) can be looped as such:

public static boolean inArray(int[] array, int check) {    for (int o : array){       if (o == check) {          return true;       }    }    return false; } 

In Java 8 you can also do something like:

// import java.util.stream.IntStream;  public static boolean inArray(int[] array, int check) {    return IntStream.of(array).anyMatch(val -> val == check); } 

Although converting to a stream for this is probably overkill.

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Philip Whitehouse Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09

Philip Whitehouse