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Iterating all Play Framework routes in Test

Is there any way to Iterate all described services in routes file? URL and HTTP methods are needed.

I need this feature for running some integration test.

I am using Play for Java.

like image 562
Mohsen Kashi Avatar asked May 05 '15 06:05

Mohsen Kashi

1 Answers

Not easily. I managed to hack my way through it a while ago(no scala know-how). I'll post that code maybe it can be of use.

public static List<String[]> parseRoutes() {
    scala.Option<play.core.Router.Routes> option = Play.application().getWrappedApplication().routes();
    if (option.isDefined()) {
        play.core.Router.Routes routes = option.get();
        scala.collection.Seq<scala.Tuple3<String, String, String>> doc = routes.documentation();
        scala.collection.Iterator<scala.Tuple3<String, String, String>> it = doc.iterator();

        List<String[]> listOfRoutes = new ArrayList<String[]>();

        while(it.hasNext()) {
            scala.Tuple3<String, String, String> tuple = it.next();
            //tuple._1() is the method and tuple._2() the url... tuple._3() is the controller name
            String[] route = {tuple._1(), tuple._2()};
            Logger.debug("route -> " + Arrays.toString(route));  
        return listOfRoutes;
    return null;

Don't worry about the .iterator() showing a The method iterator() is ambiguous for the type Seq<Tuple3<String,String,String>>. It compiles just fine in play.

like image 187
sebster Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 09:10
