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Iterate over array when forEach loop is all done

Im trying to iterate over an array that I construct from multiple http calls inside a angular.forEach()

the function

$scope.ticket_stats = function(){
    //cleaning variables
    $scope.data_set = [];
    $scope.closed_tickets = [];

    //fetching time stamps (epoch)
    $scope.time_frame = time_period.days(7);

              //calling data using time stamps
              angular.forEach($scope.time_frame, function(item) {

                  var promise = tickets.status("closed", item);

                      $scope.closed_tickets.push(data[0].datapoints[0][0]); // returns a numerical value

              //SEE MESSAGE BELOW


the last line $scope.data_set.push() is working but increment itself over time once calls return data. I would like this line to be executed once everything within the for Each loop is all done. I need to iterate over the $scope.closed_tickets array afteward to play (addition) data inside it and build up a second array.

here are the services used in this function:

app.service('tickets', function($http){

    this.status = function(status, date){
        var one_snap = date - 100;
        var url = "/url/render?format=json&target=sum(stats.tickets."+status+")&from="+one_snap+"&until="+date+"";
        return $http.get(url);

app.service('time_period', function(){
    var currentDate = parseInt((new Date).getTime()/1000);

    this.days = function(number){
        var pending = [];
        for (var i = number; i > 0; i--) {
            pending.push(currentDate - (87677*i));
        return pending;

I search for information and found out about the $q.all() service but didn't manage to make this work the way I want.

Any advices would be welcomed! Thanks!

like image 592
SKYnine Avatar asked Apr 01 '15 19:04


3 Answers

You can use $q.all to wait for multiple ansynchronous events (promises) to finish.

$scope.ticket_stats = function() {
    // list of all promises
    var promises = [];

    //cleaning variables
    $scope.data_set = [];
    $scope.closed_tickets = [];

    //fetching time stamps (epoch)
    $scope.time_frame = time_period.days(7);

    //calling data using time stamps
    angular.forEach($scope.time_frame, function(item) {
        // create a $q deferred promise
        var deferred = $q.defer();

        tickets.status("closed", item).success(function(data) {

            // promise successfully resolved

        // add to the list of promises

    // execute all the promises and do something with the results
        // success
        // results: an array of data objects from each deferred.resolve(data) call
        function(results) {
        // error
        function(response) {

First, deferred represents a piece of code that will take an unknown amount of time to execute (asynchronous). deferred.resolve(data) simply states that the code is finished. Data could be anything, an object, string, whatever, but it is usually the results of your asynchronous code. Likewise you can reject a promise with deferred.reject(data) (maybe an error was thrown by the sever). Again, data can be anything but here it should probably be the error response.

deferred.promise just returns a promise object. The promise object allows you to set callbacks like .then(successFunction, errorFunction) so you know a piece of code has finished executing before moving on to successFunction (or errorFunction in the case of a failure). In our case $q has the .all method which waits for an array of promises to finish then gives you the results of all the promises as an array.

Don't forget to inject the $q service.

like image 188
csbarnes Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11


Try to make an array of promises only, without resolving them yet. Then aggregate them with $q.all(). After aggregated promise resolve iterate through the array of those promises again. Now you are sure that they are all resolved.

var promises = [];
angular.forEach($scope.time_frame, function(item) {
    promises.push(tickets.status("closed", item));

var aggregatedPromise = $q.all(promises);

    angular.forEach(promises, function(promise) {
            $scope.closed_tickets.push(data[0].datapoints[0][0]); // returns a numerical value

Maybe this is not the most efficient way to do this, but I think that should solve your problem.

like image 21
miszczak Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11


Even though you mention $q.all didn't work for you, as I don't see why it should't, here's how I would do this.

Basically you want to map an array of things (time stamps) to some other things (promises in this case since we have async calls) and do some action on the resulting array.

var promises = $scope.time_frame.map(function (item) {
    return tickets.status("closed", item);

Now we use $q.all to wait for all promises to resolve:

$q.all(promises).then(function (tickets) {
like image 36
jcz Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11
