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Iterate over 2d array in an expanding circular spiral

Given an n by n matrix M, at row i and column j, I'd like to iterate over all the neighboring values in a circular spiral.

The point of doing this is to test some function, f, which depends on M, to find the radius away from (i, j) in which f returns True. So, f looks like this:

def f(x, y):
    """do stuff with x and y, and return a bool"""

and would be called like this:

R = numpy.zeros(M.shape, dtype=numpy.int)
# for (i, j) in M
for (radius, (cx, cy)) in circle_around(i, j):
    if not f(M[i][j], M[cx][cy]):
       R[cx][cy] = radius - 1

Where circle_around is the function that returns (an iterator to) indices in a circular spiral. So for every point in M, this code would compute and store the radius from that point in which f returns True.

If there's a more efficient way of computing R, I'd be open to that, too.


Thanks to everyone who submitted answers. I've written a short function to plot the output from your circle_around iterators, to show what they do. If you update your answer or post a new one, you can use this code to validate your solution.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def plot(g, name):
    plt.axis([-10, 10, -10, 10])
    ax = plt.gca()

    X, Y = [], []
    for i in xrange(100):
        (r, (x, y)) = g.next()
        print "%d: radius %d" % (i, r)

    plt.plot(X, Y, 'r-', linewidth=2.0)
    plt.savefig(name + ".png")

Here are the results: plot(circle_around(0, 0), "F.J"): circle_around by F.J

plot(circle_around(0, 0, 10), "WolframH"): circle_around by WolframH

I've coded up Magnesium's suggestion as follows:

def circle_around_magnesium(x, y):
    import math
    theta = 0
    dtheta = math.pi / 32.0
    a, b = (0, 1) # are there better params to use here?
    spiral = lambda theta : a + b*theta
    lastX, lastY = (x, y)
    while True:
        r = spiral(theta)
        X = r * math.cos(theta)
        Y = r * math.sin(theta)
        if round(X) != lastX or round(Y) != lastY:
            lastX, lastY = round(X), round(Y)
            yield (r, (lastX, lastY))
        theta += dtheta

plot(circle_around(0, 0, 10), "magnesium"): circle_around by Magnesium

As you can see, none of the results that satisfy the interface I'm looking for have produced a circular spiral that covers all of the indices around 0, 0. F.J's is the closest, although WolframH's hits the right points, just not in spiral order.

like image 367
Jason Sundram Avatar asked Jan 23 '12 21:01

Jason Sundram

4 Answers

Since it was mentioned that the order of the points do not matter, I've simply ordered them by the angle (arctan2) in which they appear at a given radius. Change N to get more points.

from numpy import *
N = 8

# Find the unique distances
X,Y = meshgrid(arange(N),arange(N))
G = sqrt(X**2+Y**2)
U = unique(G)

# Identify these coordinates
blocks = [[pair for pair in zip(*where(G==idx))] for idx in U if idx<N/2]

# Permute along the different orthogonal directions
directions = array([[1,1],[-1,1],[1,-1],[-1,-1]])

all_R = []
for b in blocks:
    R = set()
    for item in b:
        for x in item*directions:

    R = array(list(R))

    # Sort by angle
    T = array([arctan2(*x) for x in R])
    R = R[argsort(T)]

# Display the output
from pylab import *
colors = ['r','k','b','y','g']*10
for c,R in zip(colors,all_R):
    X,Y = map(list,zip(*R))

    # Connect last point
    X = X + [X[0],]
    Y = Y + [Y[0],]


Gives for N=8:

enter image description here

More points N=16 (sorry for the colorblind):

enter image description here

This clearly approaches a circle and hits every grid point in order of increasing radius.

enter image description here

like image 171
Hooked Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 04:11


One way for yielding points with increasing distance is to break it down into easy parts, and then merge the results of the parts together. It's rather obvious that itertools.merge should do the merging. The easy parts are columns, because for fixed x the points (x, y) can be ordered by looking at the value of y only.

Below is a (simplistic) implementation of that algorithm. Note that the squared Euclidian distance is used, and that the center point is included. Most importantly, only points (x, y) with x in range(x_end) are considered, but I think that's OK for your use case (where x_end would be n in your notation above).

from heapq import merge
from itertools import count

def distance_column(x0, x, y0):
    dist_x = (x - x0) ** 2
    yield dist_x, (x, y0)
    for dy in count(1):
        dist = dist_x + dy ** 2
        yield dist, (x, y0 + dy)
        yield dist, (x, y0 - dy)

def circle_around(x0, y0, end_x):
    for dist_point in merge(*(distance_column(x0, x, y0) for x in range(end_x))):
        yield dist_point

Edit: Test code:

def show(circle):
    d = dict((p, i) for i, (dist, p) in enumerate(circle))
    max_x = max(p[0] for p in d) + 1
    max_y = max(p[1] for p in d) + 1
    return "\n".join(" ".join("%3d" % d[x, y] if (x, y) in d else "   " for x in range(max_x + 1)) for y in range(max_y + 1))

import itertools
print(show(itertools.islice(circle_around(5, 5, 11), 101)))

Result of test (points are numbered in the order they are yielded by circle_around):

             92  84  75  86  94                
     98  73  64  52  47  54  66  77 100        
     71  58  40  32  27  34  42  60  79        
 90  62  38  22  16  11  18  24  44  68  96    
 82  50  30  14   6   3   8  20  36  56  88    
 69  45  25   9   1   0   4  12  28  48  80    
 81  49  29  13   5   2   7  19  35  55  87    
 89  61  37  21  15  10  17  23  43  67  95    
     70  57  39  31  26  33  41  59  78        
     97  72  63  51  46  53  65  76  99        
             91  83  74  85  93                

Edit 2: If you really do need negative values of i, replace range(end_x) with range(-end_x, end_x) in the cirlce_around function.

like image 31
Reinstate Monica Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 05:11

Reinstate Monica

If you follow the x and y helical indices you notice that both of them can be defined in a recursive manner. Therefore, it is quite easy to come up with a function that recursively generates the correct indices:

def helicalIndices(n):
    num = 0
    curr_x, dir_x, lim_x, curr_num_lim_x = 0, 1, 1, 2
    curr_y, dir_y, lim_y, curr_num_lim_y = -1, 1, 1, 3
    curr_rep_at_lim_x, up_x = 0, 1
    curr_rep_at_lim_y, up_y = 0, 1

    while num < n:
        if curr_x != lim_x:
            curr_x +=  dir_x
            curr_rep_at_lim_x += 1
            if curr_rep_at_lim_x == curr_num_lim_x - 1:
                if lim_x < 0:
                    lim_x = (-lim_x) + 1
                    lim_x = -lim_x
                curr_rep_at_lim_x = 0
                curr_num_lim_x += 1
                dir_x = -dir_x
        if curr_y != lim_y:
            curr_y = curr_y + dir_y
            curr_rep_at_lim_y += 1
            if curr_rep_at_lim_y == curr_num_lim_y - 1:
                if lim_y < 0:
                    lim_y = (-lim_y) + 1
                    lim_y = -lim_y
                curr_rep_at_lim_y = 0
                curr_num_lim_y += 1
                dir_y = -dir_y
        r = math.sqrt(curr_x*curr_x + curr_y*curr_y)        
        yield (r, (curr_x, curr_y))
        num += 1

    hi = helicalIndices(101)
    plot(hi, "helicalIndices")


As you can see from the image above, this gives exactly what's asked for.

like image 42
afakih Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 03:11


Here is a loop based implementation for circle_around():

def circle_around(x, y):
    r = 1
    i, j = x-1, y-1
    while True:
        while i < x+r:
            i += 1
            yield r, (i, j)
        while j < y+r:
            j += 1
            yield r, (i, j)
        while i > x-r:
            i -= 1
            yield r, (i, j)
        while j > y-r:
            j -= 1
            yield r, (i, j)
        r += 1
        j -= 1
        yield r, (i, j)
like image 35
Andrew Clark Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 03:11

Andrew Clark