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It is possible export table sqlite3 table to csv or similiar?




It is possible export sqlite3 table to csv or xls format? I'm using python 2.7 and sqlite3.

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Risino Avatar asked Nov 24 '10 07:11


People also ask

Which command is used to copy a data from SQLite table to CSV file?

To copy a table or query to a csv file, use either the \copy command or the COPY command.

How do I export a table from SQLite to excel?

Use CSV as the export format. Read each row of your table, jopin the columns using a semicolon ( ; ) and append the line to a text file. EASY.

How do I export a dataset to CSV?

Go to File > Save As. Click Browse. In the Save As dialog box, under Save as type box, choose the text file format for the worksheet; for example, click Text (Tab delimited) or CSV (Comma delimited). Note: The different formats support different feature sets.

2 Answers

I knocked this very basic script together using a slightly modified example class from the docs; it simply exports an entire table to a CSV file:

import sqlite3
import csv, codecs, cStringIO

class UnicodeWriter:
    A CSV writer which will write rows to CSV file "f", 
    which is encoded in the given encoding.

    def __init__(self, f, dialect=csv.excel, encoding="utf-8", **kwds):
        # Redirect output to a queue
        self.queue = cStringIO.StringIO()
        self.writer = csv.writer(self.queue, dialect=dialect, **kwds)
        self.stream = f
        self.encoder = codecs.getincrementalencoder(encoding)()

    def writerow(self, row):
        self.writer.writerow([unicode(s).encode("utf-8") for s in row])
        # Fetch UTF-8 output from the queue ...
        data = self.queue.getvalue()
        data = data.decode("utf-8")
        # ... and reencode it into the target encoding
        data = self.encoder.encode(data)
        # write to the target stream
        # empty queue

    def writerows(self, rows):
        for row in rows:

conn = sqlite3.connect('yourdb.sqlite')

c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('select * from yourtable')

writer = UnicodeWriter(open("export.csv", "wb"))


Hope this helps!

Edit: If you want headers in the CSV, the quick way is to manually add another row before you write the data from the database, e.g:

# Select whichever rows you want in whatever order you like
c.execute('select id, forename, surname, email from contacts')

writer = UnicodeWriter(open("export.csv", "wb"))

# Make sure the list of column headers you pass in are in the same order as your SELECT
writer.writerow(["ID", "Forename", "Surname", "Email"])

Edit 2: To output pipe-separated columns, register a custom CSV dialect and pass that into the writer, like so:

csv.register_dialect('pipeseparated', delimiter = '|')

writer = UnicodeWriter(open("export.csv", "wb"), dialect='pipeseparated')

Here's a list of the various formatting parameters you can use with a custom dialect.

like image 105
Mark Bell Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Mark Bell

Yes.Read here sqlitebrowser

  • Import and export records as text
  • Import and export tables from/to CSV files
  • Import and export databases from/to SQL dump files
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cristian Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09
