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It is an empty value struct nil



Look at the following code snippet.

package main

import "fmt"

type Empty struct {
    Field1, Field2 string

func main() {

    value := Empty{}

    fmt.Println(value == nil)
    fmt.Printf("%p", &value)


I've got compiler error

./empty_struct.go:19: cannot convert nil to type Empty

How can I check a value struct type, if it is empty or not?

like image 831
softshipper Avatar asked Sep 26 '14 17:09


People also ask

What is an empty struct?

An empty struct is a struct type without fields struct{} . The cool thing about an empty structure is that it occupies zero bytes of storage. You can find an accurate description about the actual mechanism inside the golang compiler in this post by Dave Chaney.

What is the zero value of a struct?

A zero value struct is simply a struct variable where each key's value is set to their respective zero value. This article is part of the Structs in Go series. We can create a zero value struct using the var statement to initialize our struct variable.

How do you know if a struct is empty?

Checking for an empty struct in Go is straightforward in most cases. All you need to do is compare the struct to its zero value composite literal. This method works for structs where all fields are comparable.

Can you have an empty struct?

An empty structIt occupies zero bytes of storage. As the empty struct consumes zero bytes, it follows that it needs no padding. Thus a struct comprised of empty structs also consumes no storage.

Can you have an empty struct in C?

Yes, it is allowed in C programming language that we can declare a structure without any member and in that case the size of the structure with no members will be 0 (Zero). It will be a Zero size structure.

3 Answers

Pointers, slices, channels, interfaces and maps are the only types that can be compared to nil. A struct value cannot be compared to nil.

If all fields in the struct are comparable (as they are in your example), then you can compare with a known zero value of the struct:

 fmt.Println(value == Empty{})

If the struct contains fields that are not comparable (slices, maps, channels), then you need to write code to check each field:

 func IsAllZero(v someStructType) bool {
     return v.intField == 0 && v.stringField == "" && v.sliceField == nil
like image 108
Simon Fox Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 03:10

Simon Fox

You can define a "nil" value of a struct, for example:

var nilEmpty = Empty{}
fmt.Println(value == nilEmpty)

nil can only be used for pointer-types (slices, channels, interfaces and maps).

Keep in mind that struct equality doesn't always work if you have slices or any incomparable value in the struct, you would have to use reflect.DeepEqual then.

From http://golang.org/ref/spec#Comparison_operators:

Struct values are comparable if all their fields are comparable. Two struct values are equal if their corresponding non-blank fields are equal.

like image 24
OneOfOne Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 01:10


It is a value type, like int, therefore it cannot be nil. Only pointer and interface types can be nil. If you want to allow a nil value, make it a pointer:

value := &Empty{}
like image 23
Thomas Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 03:10
