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Issues with BeautifulSoup parsing

I am trying to parse an html page with BeautifulSoup, but it appears that BeautifulSoup doesn't like the html or that page at all. When I run the code below, the method prettify() returns me only the script block of the page (see below). Does anybody has an idea why it happens?

import urllib2
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

url = "http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/subclass.asp?catid=10607&mfr=&logon=&langid=FR&sort=0&page=1"
html = "".join(urllib2.urlopen(url).readlines())
print "-- HTML ------------------------------------------"
print html
print "-- BeautifulSoup ---------------------------------"
print BeautifulSoup(html).prettify()

The is the output produced by BeautifulSoup.

-- BeautifulSoup ---------------------------------
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script language="JavaScript">
     function highlight(img) {
       document[img].src = "/marketing/sony/images/en/" + img + "_on.gif";

     function unhighlight(img) {
       document[img].src = "/marketing/sony/images/en/" + img + "_off.gif";


UPDATE: I am using the following version, which appears to be the latest.

__author__ = "Leonard Richardson ([email protected])"
__version__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Leonard Richardson"
__license__ = "New-style BSD"
like image 834
Martin Avatar asked Mar 02 '09 03:03


People also ask

Why is BeautifulSoup not working?

The most common problem (with many modern pages): this page uses JavaScript to add elements but requests / BeautifulSoup can't run JavaScript . You may need to use Selenium to control real web browser which can run JavaScript . I use xpath but you may also use css selector .

Is Scrapy faster than BeautifulSoup?

Scrapy is incredibly fast. Its ability to send asynchronous requests makes it hands-down faster than BeautifulSoup. This means that you'll be able to scrape and extract data from many pages at once. BeautifulSoup doesn't have the means to crawl and scrape pages by itself.

What is parsing in BeautifulSoup?

Beautiful Soup is a Python package for parsing HTML and XML documents (including having malformed markup, i.e. non-closed tags, so named after tag soup). It creates a parse tree for parsed pages that can be used to extract data from HTML, which is useful for web scraping.

Does BeautifulSoup handle broken HTML?

BeautifulSoup is a Python package that parses broken HTML, just like lxml supports it based on the parser of libxml2.

1 Answers

Try with version 3.0.7a as Łukasz suggested. BeautifulSoup 3.1 was designed to be compatible with Python 3.0 so they had to change the parser from SGMLParser to HTMLParser which seems more vulnerable to bad HTML.

From the changelog for BeautifulSoup 3.1:

"Beautiful Soup is now based on HTMLParser rather than SGMLParser, which is gone in Python 3. There's some bad HTML that SGMLParser handled but HTMLParser doesn't"

like image 200
miles82 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10
