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Issues while installing PostgreSQL in Windows 10

When I tried to install PostgreSQL on Windows 10 (64-bit), I was getting a prompt saying:

'Failed to load SQL modules into the database cluster'


'problem running post-install setup'.

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PGreen_xyz Avatar asked Jan 26 '23 13:01


1 Answers

Did you install postgresql with administrator-privileges?

This might be due to a privilege-issue, you can try to:

  • Create a new user account, called postgres

  • Add the new account to the Administrators and Power Users groups

  • Restart the computer

  • Run a command prompt as the postgres user, using the command:runas /user:postgres cmd.exe

  • Run the installer from the postgres command window

  • Delete the postgres user account, as well as the user directory

Another option is to:

  1. Uninstall PostgreSQL

  2. Delete the postgres user if it still exists.

     net user postgres /delete
  3. Create the postgres user with a password

     net user /add postgres <password>
  4. Add the postgres user to the Administrators group

     net localgroup administrators postgres /add

5a. Add the postgres user to the Power Users group

    net localgroup "power users" postgres /add

5b. Add the postgres user to the administrator's local-group

    net localgroup Administrators postgres /add
  1. Run a command window as the postgres user

     runas /user:postgres cmd.exe
  2. Run the install file from within the command window.

     C:\Download\postgresql-9.6.12-windows.exe // or whatever version you are using

    This should run the installation successfully.

  3. Remove the postgres user from the Administrators group.

     net localgroup administrators postgres /delete

as mentioned by @Imraan on DBA -> Link

Edit in regards to @Youssef's comment:

Depending on the version and scenario, the user postgres needs to be added to administrator's localgroup instead of power users.

Short overview about power-users from superuser SE:

Note: in Windows 7 and above, Power Users only exists for legacy purposes, and is the same as ordinary Users, unless an admin explicitly adds extra rights to the group.

Power-users may:

  • Run legacy applications, in addition to Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional certified applications.

  • Install programs that do not modify operating system files or install system services.

  • Customize systemwide resources including printers, date, time, power options, and other Control Panel resources.

  • Create and manage local user accounts and groups.

  • Stop and start system services which are not started by default.

  • Power Users do not have permission to add themselves to the Administrators group.

  • Power Users do not have access to the data of other users on an NTFS volume, unless those users grant them permission.

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iLuvLogix Avatar answered Feb 16 '23 15:02
