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Issue-Integrate Authorized.Net payment gateway in Android

I am integrating Authorized.Net Payment Gateway in Android.

but in this above sdk,I am not passing amount of this Encrypted Trasaction.can anyone help me how to proceed simple payment transaction in Authorized.net android.

Thanks in advance.

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dipali Avatar asked Aug 19 '16 04:08


People also ask

How do I integrate Authorize.net payment gateway?

Steps to Integrate Authorize.Net Payment GatewayCreate Authorize.Net account to get API Login id and key. Import PHP SDK to access Authorize.Net API. Create a payment form to get credit card information from the user. Configure API credentials and request payment process.

Is Authorize.net down?

Welcome to the Authorize.net status page Subscribe to get real-time updates via Email, SMS. No incidents reported. No incidents reported. No incidents reported.

Does Authorize.net have a payment link?

From Bill & Pay you can process the payment, set up recurring payments or email the customer with a link to pay. Customers can pay using ACH or credit card and Bill & Pay works with any merchant account.

How long does it take for Authorize.net to process payment?

When the merchant captures the transaction, Authorize.net settles the transaction within 24 hours. After settlement completes, the acquiring bank deposits the captured funds into the merchant's bank account.

1 Answers

Hello this link may be helpful to you,try it and let me know if it work for you.

like image 51
Sanjay Bhalani Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 21:10

Sanjay Bhalani