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Issue emulating localStorage in IE7

I have an app with a top frame and two framesets inside this top frame. While navigating to other pages the top frame remains the same and only the framesets change. I use localStorage for storing some data (which is also stored on the server, but if it is on client we don’t make the round trip each time), this feature is not available on IE7 so we decided to try to simulate localStorage in IE7.

The idea was to store a variable localStorage on the top frame (only if localStorage was not available). Whenever localStorage was not available on the top frame we would then create a dummy localStorage object with _data,getItem(),setItem(),removeItem(). The life of this object would last as long as the life of the top frame, which would save us a lot of round trips to the server and therefore offer a great performance boost in IE7.

The problem that I’m having is that whenever I change the frame (not the top frame) and I get the localStorage from the top frame and try to get an item using the window.top.localStorage.getItem(‘…’); I get the error message can't execute code from a freed script.

Any ideas why I get this??

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woolagaroo Avatar asked Jan 16 '23 16:01


1 Answers

I would recommend you to take a look in jStorage which provide common interface for localStorage, or old globalStorage or userData behavior. Probably you can use jStorage directly (see here) and save your time writing the corresponding code or you can use the same idea for your own implementation. More information about old userData behavior you can find for example here.

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Oleg Avatar answered Jan 27 '23 22:01
