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Isolating External Javascript from defining methods in the global (window) scope



I need to include a reference to JavaScript written by a third party on my website. Sadly, the developers that wrote this script decided to define all of their functions globally. You know, like this:

function AwesomeStringHelper() {
  // ...

function MyGreatFunction() {
  // ...

When I reference this script using a <script> tag, both of those methods will be added to the window object.

Since I prefer to not pollute the global scope, is there a way that I can change the scope of an external script? Ideally I'd like to be able to refer to these methods similar to ExternalLibrary.MyGreatFunction(), etc. I am not able to modify the third party script as it is hosted externally, and it changes frequently.

like image 350
JohnD Avatar asked Oct 12 '16 15:10


2 Answers

In the first instance, try to edumacate the third party developers on how to correctly write their modules.

If that doesn't work, do:

var ExternalLibrary = ExternalLibrary || window;

at the top of your code.

You can then use ExternalLibrary.MyGreatFunction() throughout to refer to their functions (even though they remain visible in the global window scope), and then later once the third party devs have fixed their scope issues then at most you need a one line change to maintain compatibility (or no change at all, if they happen to use the same ExternalLibrary name as you do).

Alternatively, use two simple snippets of code either side of the <script> tag which remember the keys of the window object, then move the newly appeared keys into a new object (at the same time deleting them from window):


var ExternalLibrary = { _current: Object.keys(window) };


Object.keys(window).forEach(function(key) {
    if (ExternalLibrary._current.indexOf(key) < 0) {
        ExternalLibrary[key] = window[key];
        delete window[key];
delete ExternalLibrary._current;

I've used a similar approach in the past (before strict mode was common) to check for leaking global variables.

like image 172
Alnitak Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 18:10


If your third-party module assigns to the window object directly (like window.myGlobal = someValue), and you are able to download the source code manually, you should be able to "wrap" the entire script in a function, where the window object has been overloaded:

function wrapModule(code) {
  // create a "fake" window object that inherits from the global object
  var fakeWindow = Object.create(window);

  // create a function wrapping the code
  // note that "window" is a parameter name in this function, shadowing
  // the global object
  var func = Function("window", code);

  // call function
  func.call(fakeWindow, fakeWindow);

  // return fake window object
  return fakeWindow;

// run code
const fakeWindow = wrapModule(`
  var x = 0;    // local variable (will not be exported)
  y = 1;        // global variable (will still be leaked)
  window.z = 2; // assignment to window
  this.w = 3;   // assignment to this

// check what variables are exposed
console.log('window.x', typeof x); // window.x undefined
console.log('window.y', typeof y); // window.y number
console.log('window.z', typeof z); // window.z undefined
console.log('window.w', typeof w); // window.w undefined

// check what variables are exposed in fakeWindow
console.log('fakeWindow.x', typeof fakeWindow.x); // fakeWindow.x undefined
console.log('fakeWindow.y', typeof fakeWindow.y); // fakeWindow.y number
console.log('fakeWindow.z', typeof fakeWindow.z); // fakeWindow.z number
console.log('fakeWindow.w', typeof fakeWindow.w); // fakeWindow.w number
like image 21
Frxstrem Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 19:10
