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Is WindowBuilder Pro already installed in Eclipse?

At this page: https://developers.google.com/java-dev-tools/download-wbpro, there is no option to install WindowBuilder Pro to Eclipse Juno (4.2).

Is WindowBuilder Pro already installed with Eclipse Juno?

Also, is there a better free alternative to WindowBuilder Pro?

like image 787
Chin Avatar asked Nov 15 '12 04:11


People also ask

Does Eclipse come with WindowBuilder?

WindowBuilder comes automatically with the default Eclipse "Indigo" installation, so no additional installation is necessary. If you are using an earlier version of Eclipse, e.g. "Helios", please see the Eclipse and plugins installation page.

How do I get WindowBuilder in Eclipse?

In order to install WindowBuilder on Eclipse let's click on Help -> Eclipse Marketplace…, type “windowbuilder” into “Find:” field and press Enter Download The Appendix. Then press the Install button and follow the wizard until it asks to restart Eclipse Exo Growl download.

How do I use WindowBuilder in Eclipse?

By default, java files will be opened by the java editor. To open with the windowbuilder editor, right click on a java file and select "Open With/Windowbuilder editor". After the source is opened once with this editor, Eclipse will remember it.

1 Answers


Again WindowBuilder Pro is no longer included in any of the latest Eclipse versions. So you need to add it as was shown in the initial answer below.

It is also strange, that WindowBuilder Pro is not available when searching Eclipse Market place (checked with the latest as of now version of Eclipse For Enterprise Java Developers version 2019-09) despite the fact that the product's website is available.

But at least the related repository URL for the latest version of WindowBuilder Pro is now much compact and intuitive:


enter image description here


As Sean Lynch noted in his answer WindowBuilder is included in Eclipse IDE for Java. Actually, it was already included there since version 3.7 (Eclipse Indigo), which was released in year 2011.

Note that currently, it is included by default only in the version for Java Developers, NOT in the version for Java EE Developers, which is the most downloaded and wanted version. So for the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers you still need to install it yourself.

Old answer

It is not installed by default in Eclipse.

The new WindowBuilder Pro home page is here: http://www.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/
On that page, in the "Current Status" section on the right, it says (emphasis mine):

"Welcome to the new WindowBuilder homepage!"

How to install WindowBuilder in Eclipse.

1) Copy the correct link for your version of Eclipse from the Update Site column (Release Version) on the download page:

enter image description here

2) In the Eclipse main menu choose Help > Install new Software...

enter image description here

3) In the appeared window click Add... button:

enter image description here

4) In the appeared dialog box, in the Name field write some descriptive name (like "WindowBuilder Pro") and paste the correct link (see step 1) in the Location field. After that click the OK button:

enter image description here

5) Select all the checkboxes that are going to appear, then click Next button and install WindowBuilder:

enter image description here

Another way to add a link to the list of available Software Sites:
in the Eclipse main menu choose Window > Preferences, in the preferences window choose Install/Update > Available Software Sites, click Add... button and go on as described above.

As for the better alternative, well, seems like WindowBuilder Pro is the most preferred: Best GUI designer for Eclipse?

Hope this helps.

like image 173
informatik01 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09
