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Is VS Code supposed to override an existing tab in the nav header? [duplicate]

In Visual Studio Code supposed to replace/override an existing file tab? When I click package.json with nothing on the editor, it opens package.json . When I click on README.md it replaced the package.json file with the README. See GIF link below for a visual picture.

enter image description here

Note that these happen after I click the file

like image 436
RocketBear27 Avatar asked Aug 10 '18 14:08


People also ask

How do I change my tab settings in VS Code?

To open the Settings editor, use the following VS Code menu command: On Windows/Linux - File > Preferences > Settings. On macOS - Code > Preferences > Settings.

How do you overwrite VS Code?

To toggle overtype mode, press the Insert key. If you don't have an Insert key, you can press Ctrl+Shift+I (on Windows and Linux) or Cmd+Shift+I (on Mac).

How do I change tabs in Visual Studio?

Hold down the Ctrl key and press Tab repeatedly until you select the file you intend to switch to.

1 Answers

Yes, that's a feature called Preview Mode. It provides a way to quickly review files without collapsing your editor with open files. You can tell the file is in preview mode by the italics on the tab.

You can pin the file by double-clicking on the tab (italics go away) or disable the feature altogether:

  • workbench.editor.enablePreview to globally enable or disable preview editors
  • workbench.editor.enablePreviewFromQuickOpen to enable or disable preview editors when opened from Quick Open
like image 192
Álvaro González Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 06:10

Álvaro González