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Is Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 usable?

Half a year ago, I tried Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1, but it was still way too buggy for production use.

However, I really like some of the new features - Should I bother installing Beta 2 or is it still too buggy?

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Adrian Grigore Avatar asked Oct 31 '09 12:10

Adrian Grigore

3 Answers

I've been using it for a while and it seems solid to me. From past experience with MS betas I usually find the betas tend to be quite stable compared to most other company betas.

In the end though, it is just a beta so it shouldn't really be used in a production environment - it's just to wet your programming taste buds so you'll want to fork the cash up in March 2010 ;)

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Richard Reddy Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 09:11

Richard Reddy

It's a little bit buggy but it is a lot better than Beta 1 - the best thing I can tell you is to download it and run it through its paces.

I have experienced a few freezes and crashes but beyond that things are running quite smoothly.

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Andrew Hare Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 08:11

Andrew Hare

It's fairly usable - but it can be slow (that's down to the fact that it's loaded with debug and trace info to help analyse any crashes). If you've got Win7 installed, install it into a VHD - you'll find this helps because you can quickly wipe it and reinstall into a clean image. If you haven't got Win7, look into one of the Virtual Machine implementations out there.

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Pete OHanlon Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 10:11

Pete OHanlon