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Is this stored procedure thread-safe? (or whatever the equiv is on SQL Server)

With the help of others on SO I've knocked up a couple of Tables and Stored Procedures, this morning, as I'm far from a DB programmer.

Would someone mind casting an eye over this and telling me if it's thread-safe? I guess that's probably not the term DBAs/DB developers use but I hope you get the idea: basically, what happens if this sp is executing and another comes along at the same time? Could one interfere with the other? Is this even an issue in SQL/SPs?

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_NewTicketNumber]
    @ticketNumber int OUTPUT
    INSERT INTO [TEST_Db42].[dbo].[TicketNumber]
               ([CreatedDateTime], [CreatedBy])
                (GETDATE(), SUSER_SNAME())
    SELECT @ticketNumber = IDENT_CURRENT('[dbo].[TicketNumber]');
    RETURN 0;
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serialhobbyist Avatar asked Sep 27 '09 11:09


1 Answers

You probably do not want to be using IDENT_CURRENT - this returns the latest identity generated on the table in question, in any session and any scope. If someone else does an insert at the wrong time you will get their id instead!

If you want to get the identity generated by the insert that you just performed then it is best to use the OUTPUT clause to retrieve it. It used to be usual to use the SCOPE_IDENTITY() for this but there are problems with that under parallel execution plans.

The main SQL equivalent of thread safety is when multiple statements are executed that cause unexpected or undesirable behaviour. The two main types of such behaviour I can think of are locking (in particular deadlocks) and concurrency issues.

Locking problems occur when a statement stops other statements from accessing the rows it is working with. This can affect performance and in the worst scenario two statements make changes that cannot be reconciled and a deadlock occurs, causing one statement to be terminated.

However, a simple insert like the one you have should not cause locks unless something else is involved (like database transactions).

Concurrency issues (describing them very poorly) are caused by one set of changes to database records overwriting other changes to the same records. Again, this should not be a problem when inserting a record.

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David Hall Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10

David Hall