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Is this a safe use of Session Variables?

I used $_SESSION['name'] to handle data from page to page. I mainly used it to keep the user logged in between pages. Within every page, i check if $_SESSION[logged_in'] is true or not. If true, keep user logged in. Otherwise, do something else.

This is how i handle my sessions - basic sample:



   //show control panel list
     //show login box. Once user logs in. Once user logs in,
     //fetch userID, username, etc from database. Also set 
     //$_SESSION['logged_in'] = true.


Somewhere in between codes i do the following:

SELECT * FROM User WHERE userID = $_SESSION['userID'];

I'm not sure if $_SESSION['userID'] would be accessible by users or not. If its accessible, then the page would be in threat because a user could change the userID manually and get access to others account he/she desires.

I'm not much into security. Please advice! What can i do?

Note: i'm trying to make code as simple as possible. For now, no oop is involved.

like image 948
user311509 Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 06:02


1 Answers

Your code is vulnerable to session fixation and session hijacking attacks. See http://phpsec.org/projects/guide/4.html for more information.

As you build bigger, more involved applications, you will also want to be careful how you handle logging the user out and handling other session-related aspects, such as privilege escalation. Handling sessions and logins safely is a tricky beast.

Implementing secure authentication is hard. Unless you are doing it as an academic exercise, i would strongly recommend using the library provided by your framework, if you are lucky enough to have a good one.

You will also want to consider things such as the following:

  • Do not allow the session id to be forced. [session fixation]
  • When permissions or credentials are changed (e.g. because the user has now logged in or out) then immediately invalidate the session and start a fresh one.
  • Provide a logout feature, and be sure to invalidate the session upon logout.
  • Set the session cookie to HttpOnly -Preferably, require HTTPS and alo set the cookie to secure only.
  • Consider restricting the session validity to include checking some other information that helps to match the user e.g. user-agent. [session hijacking]
  • Always expire sessions after non-use and do not implement "keep me logged in" by reconnecting the user to their old http session.
  • Ensure that all session-related data is destroyed when a session is invalidated, regardless of where it is stored. A new user coming along, may just happen to get assigned a session id that has been used previously. This new session must not have any access to session data that has been set previously against that session id.
like image 133
Cheekysoft Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 10:03
