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Is there way to tell WinDbg to ignore program breakpoints?



Is there way to tell WinDbg to ignore program breakpoints like caused by DebugBreak function?

like image 553
Brans Ds Avatar asked Nov 13 '14 10:11

Brans Ds

1 Answers

Have a look at the Controlling Exceptions and Events page on MSDN. It explains how to use the sx* commands to break, ignore, or print exceptions/events as they happen.

What you are looking for is probably:

sxn bpe

This tells the debugger to print a message without breaking when a breakpoint exception (0x80000003) occurs.

Typical debugger output looks like:

(b70.11fc): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
like image 77
Sean Cline Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10

Sean Cline