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Is there throttle in RxJava?

I'm trying to find an operator in RxJava that will throttle in a specific way:

  • Emits an element
  • For a set period after the element has been emitted, all other emitted elements are filtered out

I can't seem to find one that matches this behavior. I looked at some similar ones but none of them seem to be correct.

  • debounce/throttleWithTimeout - emits the last element in a sequence of elements that were emitted with a short period between them

  • sample/throttleLast which looks at set time intervals and emits the last element in each time interval.

  • throttleFirst which looks at set time intervals and emits the first element in each time interval. This seems to be the closest to what I want but isn't exactly the same.

Is there any RxJava operator that I can use that will match this? It seems to be a useful use case.

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Lee Kang Avatar asked May 23 '18 03:05

Lee Kang

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1 Answers

throttleFirst was what I was looking for. I didn't realize initially because most of the documentation on the internet is slightly off (http://reactivex.io/documentation/operators/sample.html , https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/wiki/Filtering-Observables) . The Javadocs is correct and where I found what I was looking for.

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Lee Kang Avatar answered Jan 10 '23 05:01

Lee Kang