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Is there support for sparse matrices in Python?


Is there support for sparse matrices in python?

Possibly in numpy or in scipy?

like image 585
user566621 Avatar asked Jan 07 '11 08:01


People also ask

How do you store a sparse matrix in python?

Representing a sparse matrix by a 2D array leads to wastage of lots of memory as zeroes in the matrix are of no use in most of the cases. So, instead of storing zeroes with non-zero elements, we only store non-zero elements. This means storing non-zero elements with triples- (Row, Column, value).

Does NumPy have sparse matrices?

Sparse Matrices in PythonA dense matrix stored in a NumPy array can be converted into a sparse matrix using the CSR representation by calling the csr_matrix() function.

Does Sklearn work with sparse matrices?

Sklearn has many algorithms that accept sparse matrices. The way to know is by checking the fit attribute in the documentation.

2 Answers


SciPi provides scipy.sparse, a "2-D sparse matrix package for numeric data".

There are seven available sparse matrix types:

  1. csc_matrix: Compressed Sparse Column format
  2. csr_matrix: Compressed Sparse Row format
  3. bsr_matrix: Block Sparse Row format
  4. lil_matrix: List of Lists format
  5. dok_matrix: Dictionary of Keys format
  6. coo_matrix: COOrdinate format (aka IJV, triplet format)
  7. dia_matrix: DIAgonal format
like image 51
Steve Tjoa Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 00:10

Steve Tjoa

  1. CVXOPT - Sparse matrices

  2. Pysparse

like image 29
kros Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 22:09
