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Is there such thing as a left-associative prefix operator or right-associative postfix operator?

This page says "Prefix operators are usually right-associative, and postfix operators left-associative" (emphasis mine).

Are there real examples of left-associative prefix operators, or right-associative postfix operators? If not, what would a hypothetical one look like, and how would it be parsed?

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Rei Miyasaka Avatar asked Dec 29 '12 17:12

Rei Miyasaka

People also ask

Is left-associative or right associative?

Some mathematical operators have inherent associativity. For example, subtraction and division, as used in conventional math notation, are inherently left-associative. Addition and multiplication, by contrast, are both left and right associative.

Which operator is right to left associativity?

The grouping of operands can be forced by using parentheses. For example, in the following statements, the value of 5 is assigned to both a and b because of the right-to-left associativity of the = operator.

Is postfix left to right?

In a postfix expression, • an operator is written after its operands. the infix expression 2+3 is 23+ in postfix notation. For postfix expressions, operations are performed in the order in which they are written (left to right).

Are logical operators left-associative?

When an expression contains two operators with the same precedence, the associativity of the operators controls the order in which the operations are performed. All binary operators are left-associative, meaning that operations are performed from left to right.

3 Answers

It's not particularly easy to make the concepts of "left-associative" and "right-associative" precise, since they don't directly correspond to any clear grammatical feature. Still, I'll try.

Despite the lack of math layout, I tried to insert an explanation of precedence relations here, and it's the best I can do, so I won't repeat it. The basic idea is that given an operator grammar (i.e., a grammar in which no production has two non-terminals without an intervening terminal), it is possible to define precedence relations , , and between grammar symbols, and then this relation can be extended to terminals.

Put simply, if a and b are two terminals, a ⋖ b holds if there is some production in which a is followed by a non-terminal which has a derivation (possibly not immediate) in which the first terminal is b. a ⋗ b holds if there is some production in which b follows a non-terminal which has a derivation in which the last terminal is a. And a ≐ b holds if there is some production in which a and b are either consecutive or are separated by a single non-terminal. The use of symbols which look like arithmetic comparisons is unfortunate, because none of the usual arithmetic laws apply. It is not necessary (in fact, it is rare) for a ≐ a to be true; a ≐ b does not imply b ≐ a and it may be the case that both (or neither) of a ⋖ b and a ⋗ b are true.

An operator grammar is an operator precedence grammar iff given any two terminals a and b, at most one of a ⋖ b, a ≐ b and a ⋗ b hold.

If a grammar is an operator-precedence grammar, it may be possible to find an assignment of integers to terminals which make the precedence relationships more or less correspond to integer comparisons. Precise correspondence is rarely possible, because of the rarity of a ≐ a. However, it is often possible to find two functions, f(t) and g(t) such that a ⋖ b is true if f(a) < g(b) and a ⋗ b is true if f(a) > g(b). (We don't worry about only if, because it may be the case that no relation holds between a and b, and often a ≐ b is handled with a different mechanism: indeed, it means something radically different.)

%left and %right (the yacc/bison/lemon/... declarations) construct functions f and g. They way they do it is pretty simple. If OP (an operator) is "left-associative", that means that expr1 OP expr2 OP expr3 must be parsed as <expr1 OP expr2> OP expr3, in which case OP ⋗ OP (which you can see from the derivation). Similarly, if ROP were "right-associative", then expr1 ROP expr2 ROP expr3 must be parsed as expr1 ROP <expr2 ROP expr3>, in which case ROP ⋖ ROP.

Since f and g are separate functions, this is fine: a left-associative operator will have f(OP) > g(OP) while a right-associative operator will have f(ROP) < g(ROP). This can easily be implemented by using two consecutive integers for each precedence level and assigning them to f and g in turn if the operator is right-associative, and to g and f in turn if it's left-associative. (This procedure will guarantee that f(T) is never equal to g(T). In the usual expression grammar, the only ≐ relationships are between open and close bracket-type-symbols, and these are not usually ambiguous, so in a yacc-derivative grammar it's not necessary to assign them precedence values at all. In a Floyd parser, they would be marked as .)

Now, what about prefix and postfix operators? Prefix operators are always found in a production of the form [1]:

non-terminal-1: PREFIX non-terminal-2;

There is no non-terminal preceding PREFIX so it is not possible for anything to be ⋗ PREFIX (because the definition of a ⋗ b requires that there be a non-terminal preceding b). So if PREFIX is associative at all, it must be right-associative. Similarly, postfix operators correspond to:

non-terminal-3: non-terminal-4 POSTFIX;

and thus POSTFIX, if it is associative at all, must be left-associative.

Operators may be either semantically or syntactically non-associative (in the sense that applying the operator to the result of an application of the same operator is undefined or ill-formed). For example, in C++, ++ ++ a is semantically incorrect (unless operator++() has been redefined for a in some way), but it is accepted by the grammar (in case operator++() has been redefined). On the other hand, new new T is not syntactically correct. So new is syntactically non-associative.

[1] In Floyd grammars, all non-terminals are coalesced into a single non-terminal type, usually expression. However, the definition of precedence-relations doesn't require this, so I've used different place-holders for the different non-terminal types.

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rici Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09


There could be in principle. Consider for example the prefix unary plus and minus operators: suppose + is the identity operation and - negates a numeric value.

They are "usually" right-associative, meaning that +-1 is equivalent to +(-1), the result is minus one.

Suppose they were left-associative, then the expression +-1 would be equivalent to (+-)1.

The language would therefore have to give a meaning to the sub-expression +-. Languages "usually" don't need this to have a meaning and don't give it one, but you can probably imagine a functional language in which the result of applying the identity operator to the negation operator is an operator/function that has exactly the same effect as the negation operator. Then the result of the full expression would again be -1 for this example.

Indeed, if the result of juxtaposing functions/operators is defined to be a function/operator with the same effect as applying both in right-to-left order, then it always makes no difference to the result of the expression which way you associate them. Those are just two different ways of defining that (f g)(x) == f(g(x)). If your language defines +- to mean something other than -, though, then the direction of associativity would matter (and I suspect the language would be very difficult to read for someone used to the "usual" languages...)

On the other hand, if the language doesn't allow juxtaposing operators/functions then prefix operators must be right-associative to allow the expression +-1. Disallowing juxtaposition is another way of saying that (+-) has no meaning.

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Steve Jessop Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Steve Jessop

I'm not aware of such a thing in a real language (e.g., one that's been used by at least a dozen people). I suspect the "usually" was merely because proving a negative is next to impossible, so it's easier to avoid arguments over trivia by not making an absolute statement.

As to how you'd theoretically do such a thing, there seem to be two possibilities. Given two prefix operators @ and # that you were going to treat as left associative, you could parse @#a as equivalent to #(@(a)). At least to me, this seems like a truly dreadful idea--theoretically possible, but a language nobody should wish on even their worst enemy.

The other possibility is that @#a would be parsed as (@#)a. In this case, we'd basically compose @ and # into a single operator, which would then be applied to a.

In most typical languages, this probably wouldn't be terribly interesting (would have essentially the same meaning as if they were right associative). On the other hand, I can imagine a language oriented to multi-threaded programming that decreed that application of a single operator is always atomic--and when you compose two operators into a single one with the left-associative parse, the resulting fused operator is still a single, atomic operation, whereas just applying them successively wouldn't (necessarily) be.

Honestly, even that's kind of a stretch, but I can at least imagine it as a possibility.

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Jerry Coffin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Jerry Coffin