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Is There Still A Case For MFC


What are the compelling features of MFC? Why would you select it for a new project?

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Aaron Fischer Avatar asked Sep 23 '08 14:09

Aaron Fischer

People also ask

Is Microsoft MFC still used?

Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC) is a C++ object-oriented library for developing desktop applications for Windows. MFC was introduced by Microsoft in 1992 and quickly gained widespread use. While Microsoft has introduced alternative application frameworks since then, MFC remains widely used.

What can I use instead of MFC?

Win32++ is a simple and easy to understand library for creating Windows applications. It runs on the commonly available free compilers, making it a free alternative to MFC. Win32++ has been designed to make life a little easier for those learning to use C++ to program using the Windows API directly.

Why do we use MFC in Windows?

The Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library provides an object-oriented wrapper over much of the Win32 and COM APIs. Although it can be used to create very simple desktop applications, it is most useful when you need to develop more complex user interfaces with multiple controls.

What is MFC application?

An MFC application is an executable application for Windows that is based on the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library. MFC executables generally fall into five types: standard Windows applications, dialog boxes, forms-based applications, Explorer-style applications, and Web browser-style applications.

1 Answers

MFC was a good option 10 years ago. It is still a good wrapper over Win32 API but unfortunately obsolete.

Qt is a better option with one big advantage - it is platform-independent. With MFC you're doomed to Windows.

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m_pGladiator Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 19:10
