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Is there somewhere to learn about the possible future of F#? [closed]



Are there any websites/blogs (perhaps by F# team members?) where thoughts about the future of F# are regularly discussed/revealed?

I know of some team members' blogs, but none that I've found contain this type of content.

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Daniel Avatar asked Oct 21 '10 19:10


1 Answers


which is broadcast online next week, has as session entitled

The Future of F#: Data and Services at your Finger Tips
Don Syme


(We are always thinking about new ideas, but now that we are part of a shipping product (VS2010) with a typical release cadence (every couple years or so), it is likely that we will be a little less transparent in the months just after shipping a major release, as we start to "bake" some new ideas while encouraging people to use the shipped product... as time passes and it becomes time to ship some CTPs/Betas and whatnot, I expect you'll hear more about the future. Don's talk (and PDC in general) is somewhat forward-looking, I think.)

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Brian Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09
