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Is there something like Single.empty()

I'm in the process of migrating from Rx 1 to Rx 2 and suddenly while reading through posts I found out that Single should be the type of observable to use for retrofit calls.

So I've decided to give it a shot and while migrating our retrofit calls to Rx 2 I also changed the return value to Single<whatever>.

Now the issue is, some of our tests mock the network services something similar to:


As you can see prior to migrating the calls we used to simply complete the stream by telling the userService mock to return an empty observable.

While migrating to the Single "version" of the calls we no longer can use Observable.empty() because the call doesn't return an Observable, but returns a Single.

I've ended up doing something like:

when(userService.logout()).thenReturn(                     Single.fromObservable(Observable.<whatever>empty())) 

My questions are:

  1. Is there a better way of doing this?
  2. Am I missing anything important that I should know - something like this actually doesn't behave as I'm expecting it to.
like image 727
Fred Avatar asked Nov 15 '16 09:11


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What is single RxJava?

Single. Single is an Observable that always emit only one value or throws an error. A typical use case of Single observable would be when we make a network call in Android and receive a response. Sample Implementation: The below code always emits a Single user object.

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2 Answers

Single.empty() makes no sense because Single has to have a single item or an error. You could just have kept Observable or switched to Maybe which does allow empty or Completable which doesn't emit an item at all.

like image 57
akarnokd Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09


A workaround e.g. for tests would be


keep in mind that this does not call the subscribers at all.

like image 25
Florian Wolf Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Florian Wolf