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Is there memory issue with isolate in flutter app?



I have a problem about memory with flutter app, when using compute, I put this line in the function parameter in compute:

var image = imglib.Image.fromBytes(values[1].width, values[1].height, values[1].planes[0].bytes, format: imglib.Format.bgra);

And run it in loop, the memory keep growing everytime then out of memory and the app crashed.

If I don't have that line, the memory is stable at 40mb. So I think that in compute, it's not been cleaned up after the compute function finish.

Anyone have same problem?


This is how I implement compute:

image = await compute(getCropImage, [copyFaces, streamImg]);

In getCropImage:

Future<imglib.Image> getCropImage(List<dynamic> values) async {
  var image = imglib.Image.fromBytes(values[1].width, values[1].height, values[1].planes[0].bytes, format: imglib.Format.bgra);

  double topLeftX = values[0][0].boundingBox.topLeft.dx.round() -
  (values[0][0].boundingBox.width * 0.2);
  double topLeftY = values[0][0].boundingBox.topLeft.dy.round() -
  (values[0][0].boundingBox.height * 0.2);
  double width = values[0][0].boundingBox.width.round() +
  (values[0][0].boundingBox.width * 0.4);
  double height = values[0][0].boundingBox.height.round() +
  (values[0][0].boundingBox.height * 0.4);
  if (topLeftX <= 0) {
    topLeftX = 25;
  if (topLeftY <= 0) {
    topLeftY = 25;
  if ((topLeftX + width) >= values[1].width) {
    width = values[1].width - topLeftX - 25;
  if ((topLeftY + height) >= values[1].height) {
    height = values[1].height - topLeftY - 25;

  return imglib.copyCrop(
      image, topLeftX.round(), topLeftY.round(), width.round(), height.round());

With imglib is the Image package:

import 'package:image/image.dart' as imglib;

Everytime I call this, the memory keep growing.

like image 864
hoangquyy Avatar asked Oct 28 '19 10:10


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1 Answers

To try to reproduce with your sample, I had to convert from a ui.Image first:

Future<Uint8List> _bytePng(ui.Image image) async {
  ByteData byteData = await image.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.rawRgba);
  Uint8List byteList = byteData.buffer.asUint8List(byteData.offsetInBytes, byteData.lengthInBytes);
  return byteList;

The run a simplified version of your sample:

imglib.Image image2 = await compute(_getImage, [image1.width, image1.height, byteList]);

Future<imglib.Image> _getImage(List<dynamic> values) async {
  var temp = imglib.Image.fromBytes(values[0], values[1], values[2], format: imglib.Format.bgra);

  var rng = new Random().nextInt(50);
  imglib.Image cropped = imglib.copyCrop(temp, 0, 0, temp.width - rng, temp.height - rng);

  return cropped;

But I wasn't able to see the memory go out of control. So you probably have something else going on.

like image 148
TWL Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09