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Is there is a faster alternative for Integer.toString(myInt).getBytes(US_ASCII)?



User sends me byte / short / int / long value. I have to send it as the part of POST HTTP request and I have to send number as String.

So right now I do the next:

//simplified version
byte[] data = Integer.toString(myInt).getBytes(US_ASCII);

I'm looking for faster alternative for


Because this flow creates char[], String and byte[] objects. While I need only byte[]. I wonder if there is any faster/better alternative to this.

like image 273
Dmitriy Dumanskiy Avatar asked Sep 06 '19 09:09

Dmitriy Dumanskiy

1 Answers

This solution quite straightforward.

import java.util.Arrays; // Needed only for demo purposes

public class LongToBytes
  private static final byte ZERO = '0';
  private static final byte MINUS = '-';

  public static byte[] convert(long value)
    // -------------------------------------
    // Manage some particular value directly
    // abs(Long.MIN_VALUE) remains negative
    // -------------------------------------
    if ((value >= 0) && (value < 10))
      return (new byte[]{(byte)(ZERO + value)});
    else if ((value > -10) && (value < 0))
      return (new byte[] {MINUS, (byte)(ZERO - value)});
    else if (value == Long.MIN_VALUE)
      return (Long.toString(value).getBytes());

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Initialize result
    // The longest value (Long.MIN_VALUE+1) is composed of 20 characters
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    byte[] array;
    array = new byte[20];

    // ---------------------------
    // Keep track of eventual sign
    // ---------------------------
    boolean negative;
    negative = (value < 0);
    if (negative)
      value = -value;

    // ----------------------
    // Fill array (backwards)
    // ----------------------
    int size;
    size = 0;
    while (value > 0)
      array[size] = (byte)((value % 10) + ZERO);
      value /= 10;

    // -------------------
    // Add sign eventually
    // -------------------
    if (negative)
      array[size] = MINUS;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    // Compose result, giving it the correct length and reversing it
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    byte[] result;
    int    counter;
    result = new byte[size];
    for (counter = 0; counter < size; counter++)
      result[size - counter - 1] = array[counter];

    // ----
    // Done
    // ----
    return (result);

  } // convert

  public static void main(String[] args)
      long value;
      value = Long.parseLong(args[0]);
    catch (Exception exception)

} // class LongToBytes

I checked the performance calling both ways (the method here above and Long.toString().getBytes()) separately in a loop over 100.000.000, using System.nanoTime() as a stopwatch.

Passing 0, the method above is about 500 times faster.
Relatively small values (between -10.000 and 10.000) have a gain of about 60%.
Huge values (near Long.MIN_VALUE and Long.MAX_VALUE) have a gain of about 40%.

Managing specific values (between -9 and 9 and the value Long.MIN_VALUE) separately, things get slightly better.
I updated the method's implementation.

like image 182
Robert Kock Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 01:10

Robert Kock