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Is there data visualisation tool for postgresql which is capable of displaying inter schema relations as well? [closed]

Operating system used is linux. I have tried Navicat and SQL Power Architect. They did display relations between tables in the same schema. I have some foreign key constraints which reference tables in a different schema.

  • Am I missing something with respect to Navicat and PostgreSQL Maestro? Can they not display the inter schema relations?

  • Is there data visualisation tool for postgresql which is capable of displaying inter schema relations as well?

UPD Sorry for editing your question, but I found it useful. Because this is closed I can not answer (maybe there should be site for that??)

For drawing table relationship of your database you can try this script of GraphViz::DBI perl module.

As result you will get the GIF with relations

like image 657
ThinkingMonkey Avatar asked Aug 07 '12 04:08


People also ask

How do I show PostgreSQL schema?

To also see the system schemas, select the dropdown next to the + button > Settings > Show System Schemas.

Which tool can you use to both design and create a postgres database?

pgAdmin. pgAdmin is the de facto GUI tool for PostgreSQL, and the first tool anyone would use for PostgreSQL. It supports all PostgreSQL operations and features while being free and open source. pgAdmin is used by both novice and seasoned DBAs and developers for database administration.

What is the name of the tool that is used to manage PostgreSQL database?

pgAdmin. pgAdmin is a tool that has been specifically designed for database management and has a GUI to manage (or administration) PostgreSQL databases. This also helps the developer to expedite PostgreSQL-specific debugging and analysis.

Are there schemas in PostgreSQL?

Schema is a collection of logical structures of data. In PostgreSQL, schema is a named collection of tables, views, functions, constraints, indexes, sequences etc. PostgreSQL supports having multiple schemas in a single database there by letting you namespace different features into different schemas.

2 Answers

I've recently discovered DBeaver. It automatically detects relations between tables in a visual manner. You can move tables around, change colors, see foreign keys, etc. It's extremely good. Fully compatible with PostgreSQL

Querying and manipulating data using the GUI is extremely easy.

Not only that you can use it with all major SQL and noSQL databases, so all your data can be managed in just one place.

like image 105
cortopy Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 06:11


DbVisualiser seems to do what you're after: http://www.dbvis.com/doc/main/doc/ug/databaseSpecific/postgresql.html

There's also a list of alternate tools here (though it's not as query-able a list as you'd expect from a DB): http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Community_Guide_to_PostgreSQL_GUI_Tools

like image 26
JohnLBevan Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 08:11
