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Is there CSS sprites support in jQuery UI

I'm looking into using CSS sprites, but wouldn't like to invent the wheel. Is there existing support in jQuery or jQuery UI? Or as an alternative, a well debugged jQuery plugin

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Ron Harlev Avatar asked Sep 16 '10 18:09

Ron Harlev

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2 Answers

Using sprites depends on the amount of offset to the part of the position you want -- javascript can't access image data so how would there be such a thing?

There are some tools to help you make sprites and provide you with the base CSS however. Here's my favorite:


like image 121
Will Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 10:10


There are some good jquery-tool demos you can copy and then modify. They have good practices. I would start with the tab anchor demo, their stylesheet is well written.

@Mark: The tabs demo uses one image

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Brian Maltzan Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 12:10

Brian Maltzan