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Is there are way to use the Dropbox API to upload to a single users Dropbox?

I am wondering if there is a way that the Dropbox API can be utilized to grant access rights globally for an app.

Here is my scenario. I am developing a Java application that will allow a teacher to have his students submit assignments. The application will perform a plethora of tasks, but then it will upload the file to the teacher's Dropbox account.

I have been able to get the application to authenticate and upload to each specific user's Dropbox/Apps/LabTab folder, but is there a way that I can make it so that the application always connects to the teacher's dropbox and uploads to his Dropbox/Apps/LabTab folder?

I guess an easier way of stating it is to say that I want a way for a user to grant global access to unauthenticated requests from my single application.

like image 649
claydiffrient Avatar asked Nov 10 '12 00:11


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Dropbox today rolled out a new feature that will allow those without an account to share files with Dropbox users. Called “File Requests,” the option gives anyone you ask the ability to upload files into your Dropbox account, into a folder of your choosing.

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The powerful, yet simple, API allows you to manage and control content programmatically and extend Dropbox capabilities in new and powerful ways. This guide will take you through the basic steps required to get up and running and create a simple file organization app to help organize files within your Dropbox account.

How do I upload a file to someone else's Dropbox without account?

Basically, if they shared a folder with you, you can upload files into it up to the limit of your own space. To send them a file that's larger than your space, just have them send you a File Request instead. You don't need an account to send a file through a request.

1 Answers

I'm doing something similar in my web application, where project members have common place for documents in project creator/owner dropbox application directory, when he authorizes this application.

You also (probably) should do this on app level. If Your application is j2se based (desktop application) You'll have to hardcode teacher's access token into application, or (better) do some web interface, which will connect each teacher's access token with teacher's resources (Dropbox/Apps/YoursApplication per teacher). In this scenario, end users (probably students) will be able to upload/download/act on teachers resources, through yours application AS this concrete teacher.

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jell Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 21:11
