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Is there anything wrong with this shuffling algorithm?

I have been doing a little recreational holiday computing. My mini-project was a simulation of the Italian game of "tomboli". A key building block was a simulation of the following process;

The game is controlled by a man with a bag of 90 marbles, numbered 1 to 90. He draws marbles one by one randomly from the bag, each time calling out the marble number to the players.

After a little thought I wrote the following code for this building block;

// NBR marbles, numbered 1...NBR are in a bag. Simulate randomly
//  pulling them from the bag, one by one, until the bag is empty
void bag( int random_sequence[NBR] )
    int i;

    // Store each marble as it is pulled out
    int *store = random_sequence;

    // Array of marbles still in the bag
    int not_yet_pulled[NBR];
    for( i=0; i<NBR; i++ )
        not_yet_pulled[i] = i+1;    // eg NBR=90; 1,2,3 ... 90

    // Loop pulling marbles from the bag, one each time through
    for( i=NBR; i>=1; i-- )
        int x = rand();
        int idx = x%i;  // eg i=90 idx is random in range 0..89
                        // eg i=89 idx is random in range 0..88
                        //            ...
                        // eg i=1  idx is random in range 0..0
                        //    (so we could optimize when i=1 but not worth the bother)
        *store++  = not_yet_pulled[idx];

        // Replace the marble just drawn (so it cannot be pulled again)
        //     with the last marble in the bag. So;
        //     1) there is now one less marble in the bag
        //     2) only marbles not yet pulled are still in the bag
        // If we happened to pull the last marble in the *current subarray*, this is
        //    not required but does no harm.
        not_yet_pulled[idx] = not_yet_pulled[i-1];

I know there are subtleties and traps all over the place in game simulation with random numbers, so although I am pretty happy with my code my confidence is a little less than 100%. So my questions are;

1) Is there anything wrong with my code ?

2) [if the answer to 1) is no] Am I unknowingly using a standard shuffling algorithm ?

3) [if the answer to 2) is no] How does my algorithm compare to standard alternatives ?

EDIT Thanks to all who answered. I am going to accept Aidan Cully's answer because it turns out I was rediscovering the Fisher-Yates algorithm, and revealing that gets to the heart of the matter. Of course it is no surprise I could have saved myself time and effort by doing some research up front. But on the other hand it was a fun hobby project. The rest of the simulation was routine, this was the most interesting part, and I would have deprived myself of enjoyment by not having a go myself. Additionally, I was trying to simulate a man taking marbles from a bag, and it was fairly late in the piece that I realized that the situation was exactly analagous to shuffling cards.

Another point of interest is that there is a small flaw, identified by Ken who points out that the oft repeated pattern rand()%N is not a really good way of picking a random number from the range 0..N-1.

Finally, my version of Fisher-Yates lacks the elegant trick that allows the nice property of shuffling in place. As a result, my algorithm would end up with an equally random but reversed shuffle.

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Bill Forster Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 08:11

Bill Forster

1 Answers

Use the Fisher-Yates-Knuth shuffle:

public static void shuffle(int[] array) 
    Random rng = new Random();       // java.util.Random.
    // n is the number of items left to shuffle
    for (int n = array.length; n > 1; n--) 
        // Pick a random element to move to the end
        int k = rng.nextInt(n);  // 0 <= k <= n - 1.
        // Simple swap of variables
        int tmp = array[k];
        array[k] = array[n - 1];
        array[n - 1] = tmp;

It looks like your code might work, but I'm not sure. It's more obfuscated than the standard algorithm.

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RossFabricant Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 10:12
