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Is there any well maintained and timely updated compass/sass bootstrap project

Is there any well maintained and timely updated compass/sass bootstrap project.

I know a couple of projects on githib but 1) it's very difficult to find the original repo in the jungle of forks and 2) most repos are old and not tracking the latest Bootstrap versions.

Therefore, I turn to you - Oh mighty and wise stackoverflow community.

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Mir Nazim Avatar asked Oct 07 '22 11:10

Mir Nazim

2 Answers

The most popular options appear to be:

  • https://github.com/thomas-mcdonald/bootstrap-sass - last updated 1 day ago
  • https://github.com/vwall/compass-twitter-bootstrap - last updated 1 month ago

Related answer

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Sara Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 00:10


As Sara pointed out, bootstrap-sass is the more active of the two and its v2.1.0.0 seems to match the latest Bootstrap release quite well – I've been using it in production for a few days now without noticing any serious porting issues, and the few there are are taken care of.
Overwriting Bootstrap's default variables by using their SASS-versions worked flawless as well as using some of Bootstrap's mixins, though I haven't began working on the grid yet.

Tracking back,

  • Bootstrap 2.1 was released August 20, 2012 …
  • bootstrap-sass master updated ~two weeks later …
  • the updated gem was released the same day

– so I'm under the impression that the project does its best to keep up-to-date with Bootstrap itself. I haven't had to make the decision for bootstrap-sass myself – it was already decided before I came into the project.

"Twitter Bootstrap, Less, and Sass: Understanding Your Options for Rails 3.1", a very informative article on the topic looking in detail at

  • less-rails-bootstrap
  • sass-twitter-bootstrap
  • bootstrap-sass
  • bootstrap-rails

mentions another gem worth looking at: bootstrap-rails, which also makes use of SASS and matches Twitter Bootstrap v2.1.1 – seems its release-dates even beat the previously mentioned.

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fk_ Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 02:10
